Quick comment re: new blog address & format

Quick comment re: new blog address & format August 19, 2011

As you may have noticed, this blog has a new address: www.patheos.com/blogs/rogereolson, but the old address (www.patheos.com/community/rogereolson) will continue to work with automatic forwarding.  So please don’t let the new address inhibit you from coming here or participating.  You don’t really have to do anything.  If you want to update your address book to this new address, that’s fine.

Some changes to the blog have been made that shouldn’t affect readers and discussion participants.  I was receiving a lot of spam (up to 100 spam messages per day) and this should take care of that.  This is why the new address is necessary.

Thanks for your patience and may the conversations continue!

Roger Olson


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