So, following up on my recent post about Downton Abbey–Here is a challenge. Identify good male characters in recent/contemporary popular culture. They must be “real men” (not overly feminized like Phil in Modern Family) but also truly virtuous even if flawed. By virtuous I mean: wise, compassionate, selfless, other-focused, constructive (even if also critical where appropriate), and humble (without being totally self-effacing). In a word: admirable.
I will start. Matthew Crawley in the early seasons of Downton Abbey. Alan Johnson (played by Don Cheadle) in the movie Reign over Me. Clint Eastwood character (I forget his name; it doesn’t matter) in Gran Torino. “Ketchum” in John Irving’s novel Last Night in Twisted River. James “Hobie” Hobart in Donna Tart’s novel The Goldfinch.
I can think of almost none in television programming.
Also, identify religion (especially Christianity) positively portrayed in recent/contemporary culture that is NOT written, published or produced by an overtly religious/Christian person or publisher, television network, church, etc.
I can’t think of any examples since The Apostle. Certainly not on television.
Your nominations?