November 27, 2011

I admit to being a soft perspectivalist, but I also admit to being uncomfortable with it. My mind is wired to think rationally, to look at other people who radically disagree with what I see clearly as either ignorant (even if only in the sense of not seeing some evidence I see) or irrational (even if only in the sense of embracing paradox comfortably). And yet, I am convinced by experience that there is such a phenomenon as perspective–two people... Read more

November 25, 2011

Black Friday is not Good Friday.  Paraphrasing Tony Campolo, “It’s friday but saturday’s coming”–meaning any day, even tomorrow, must be better than Black Friday. I never cease to be amazed at what the media and advertisers can do to create a sensation. Today, one day after giving thanks, many people pressed into stores just after midnight to over spend and celebrate American consumerism. Once again, as for several years now, we will see reports on the evening news of being... Read more

November 24, 2011

Today is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S.  I know it falls on a different day in Canada and some countries don’t have this holiday at all.  However, I assume most, if not all, of you are thankful for something whether you father with family for a feast on this day or not. May I invite you to post here ONE THING you are thankful for OTHER THAN the usual things Christians express thanks for (viz., Jesus Christ, salvation, family, health,... Read more

November 22, 2011

On Friday, November 18, many of us gathered in San Francisco to celebrate the life and contribution of theologian Clark Pinnock.  Five of us read papers about Pinnock, including his daughter Sarah who teaches theology at Trinity University.  Other presenters were Scot McKnight, Linda Mercadante and John Sanders.  Below is some of what I said about Clark, one of my theological heroes, who passed away last year: “Clark Pinnock pioneered a new way of being an evangelical in theology.  I... Read more

November 20, 2011

Recently I received a brochure from an evangelist I admire.  He is well known in certain Christian circles.  I have myself traveled some distance to hear him (he also sings with his wife in a duet and I like the kind of music they perform. It reminds me of the church I grew up in.  He has also written many songs performed by other singing evangelists). The brochure quotes me and that is why I’m responding here.  But I don’t... Read more

November 17, 2011

I have always wanted to avoid laying down some guidelines about this blog because, after all, it’s mine and I can do with it what I please.  However, to save some people time and frustration, I’ll reveal some rules of thumb I use in deciding whose comments to post.  I haven’t enforced all of these consistently, but I am going to try to from now on: 1) This blog is for constructive dialogue, civil conversation.  When people come here they... Read more

November 16, 2011

A Parable (Not an Allegory) Once upon a time there was a small country involved in a civil war; a coalition of freedom fighters was trying to oust the evil dictator who had ruled the country with an iron fist for decades. The dictator was a ruthless autocrat who arbitrarily used his secret police to arrest people in the middle of the night; most them simply disappeared and nobody ever saw them again.  The purpose seemed to be to create... Read more

November 14, 2011

Apparently my honest statement (in answer to a student’s honest question) that, if somehow it were revealed to me that God is as TULIP Calvinism says and as its good and necessary consequences imply, I would not worship that god, has stirred some people up to the point of questioning my salvation (and calling my religion humanistic). I don’t know if this will help at all, but I will clarify my statement this way: IF it were revealed to me... Read more

November 13, 2011

Recently I’ve been delving once again into deism, or what is more appropriately called natural religion.  (Deism has come to have connotations of belief in a distant, uninvolved and even uncaring God.  That wasn’t true of all who are lumped together as deists and the real sine qua non of “deism” was belief in natural religion, not a doctrine of God.)  I’ve been re-reading Locke (a precursor), Toland and Tindal (among others).  These men thought they were Christians.  Well, there’s... Read more

November 10, 2011

If you haven’t yet read the first part of this post, plesae go back and read it.  This won’t make much sense without that. So, my thesis is that not only SHOULD mature people, including Christians, think for themselves; they DO–whether they admit it or not.  Nobody thinks for someone else–as much as they might try to influence their thinking.  At the very least the choice whether to believe what another person is saying is one’s own and cannot be... Read more

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