March 23, 2024

O, That Again: Another Book about Evangelicalism No, this time I’m not going to name the book or the author. If you’re paying close attention, you either know it now or will hear of it. The author has been all over social media and mainstream media (being interviewed)—touting her book about why she is leaving or has left evangelicalism. What do I think? I think the recent assault on “evangelical Christianity” in America by mostly left-leaning post-evangelical critics is partly... Read more

March 21, 2024

What Good Education Does As most readers here will already know, I was (and am still to some extend) involved in post-high school education for many years. I entered college in 1970, seminary in 1975, university in 1978. I earned two master’s degrees and a doctoral degree and studied in Germany. I began my teaching career at a Christian university in 1982, continued at a Christian liberal arts college in 1984, and became a tenured, full professor at a Christian... Read more

March 19, 2024

When Did Character Stop Mattering? Today, 2024, most Christian Trump supporters (and others) claim that Trump’s character doesn’t matter because they are not voting for him to be America’s pastor. Wait. Let’s look back in history—just a little way. The year was 1987. The leading candidate for the Democratic nomination for president of the U.S. was Colorado senator Gary Hart. He was a shoo-in for the nomination. People compared him with the late Robert Kennedy. He was a Christian (raised... Read more

March 17, 2024

Tinder: The Prophetic Stance These are some of my thoughts about this week’s portion of The Political Meaning of Christianity, Chapter Two: Prophet Hope, The Prophetic Stance Defined and The Individual and the Prophetic Hope (pp. 68-89). I fear that some of you who began this reading and discussion project have given up. I wish you wouldn’t. Yes, Tinder’s writing can be challenging, but reading him is worth the challenge. I never read something I already know, understand, or agree... Read more

March 14, 2024

Belief in Satan without God? A notable feature of contemporary American culture (I won’t speak about any other culture) is a common and growing belief in Satan without any corresponding belief in God. How can that be? The rational mind spins. Popular literature and TV and film show it. Yes, yes, I know. Someone will say “But that’s all imaginary.” True, but why is this meme so prevalent in popular culture? I suppose it may be that people don’t actually... Read more

March 12, 2024

Christian Zionism Gone Crazy Recently I met a Christian man, an evangelical, who believes the State of Israel ought to commit genocide against Palestinians in “Greater Israel.” He did not specify the precise boundaries of “Greater Israel,” but for him it definitely includes the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. According to him, and I’m sure he didn’t come up with this idea on his own, Joshua and the Israelites of old did not obey or complete the alleged mandate... Read more

March 10, 2024

The Political Meaning of Christianity: Chapter Two: Prophetic Hope: Community and Society and The Ideal of the Just Society: pp. 53-68 In the part of Chapter Two entitled “Community and Society” Tinder pushes a distinction, if not a conflict, between “community” and “society.” Community, he argues, is compatible with the exalted individual while society is not. Societies are necessary because of our fallenness, but they debase individuals. Community enhances individual dignity. He also argues or clarifies that his exalted individual... Read more

March 7, 2024

Generational Curses? Recently I have been asked about generational curses. Do I believe in them? Before answering I will define my own understanding of “generational curse” which may not be the same as everyone’s. A generational curse is a particular sin passed down from one generation to another within a family. The sin may be committed or it may be a strong temptation to sin. In either case, though, it is powerful and requires supernatural deliverance. The background belief is... Read more

March 6, 2024

Is an Embryo a Baby? According to news reports, the Supreme Court of the State of Alabama has declared that embryos are babies and thus worthy of legal protection from harm. Does that make sense or is that an over reaction to “pro-choice” attempts to affirm every woman’s right to an abortion? Is it taking “pro-life” too far? Let’s get into it. When does human life begin? Okay, at least at conception. But is embryonic human life a human being... Read more

March 4, 2024

The Political Meaning of Christianity: Chapter One, cont’d Here, today, I will take up Chapter One, “The Fallen Individual” and “The Man-god versus the God-man” (pp. 35-52). If you are reading the book with me, feel free to comment (following the guidelines below). If you are not reading the book with me, feel free to ask a question. Why are we (I don’t know how many) reading and discussing this book? Because some of us believe Christianity has more than... Read more

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