“There but by the Grace of God, go We?” Nope. Calling out the Methodists

“There but by the Grace of God, go We?” Nope. Calling out the Methodists December 21, 2011

Progressive people know not to put money into the red Salvation Army kettles around Christmas. Even though that organization (Church) does a lot of good and helps a lot of people, they’re perceived as homophobic bigots who won’t allow homosexuals the right to join their ranks or participate in their reindeer games.

A recent article on Elephant Journal spells this out in detail:

…From the Salvation Army website, they list their positional stances on many topics, including homosexuality:

The Salvation Army believes that homosexuality can be properly considered only in the broader context of a biblical understanding of human sexuality in general. The creation account set out in the opening chapters of Genesis reveals the following truths: <random bible quotes. go to the page directly to see all of them>

The Bible thus teaches that God’s intention for mankind is that society should be ordered on the basis of lifelong, legally sanctioned, heterosexual unions. Such unions (marriages) lead to the formation of social units (families) which are essential to human personal development and therefore to the stability of the community.

Scripture opposes homosexual practices by direct comment (Leviticus 18:22, 23; 20:13; Romans 1:26, 27; 1 Corinthians 6:9; 1 Timothy 1:10) and also by clearly implied disapproval (Genesis 19:1-29; Judges 19:1-30; 2 Peter 2:1-22; Jude 3-23). The Bible treats such practices as self-evidently abnormal. They reject both the obvious implications of human physiology and the potential for procreation. Romans 1 sees homosexual acts as a symptom of a deeper refusal to accept the organising scheme of God for the created order (Romans 1:23-25).

The Army recognises that same-sex friendships can be enriching, Christ-honouring relationships, bringing joy through mutual companionship and sharing. However, same-sex relationships which are genitally expressed are unacceptable according to the teaching of Scripture. Attempts to establish or promote such relationships as viable alternatives to heterosexually-based family life do not conform to God’s will for society.

Did you get that?  The Salvation Army’s view of the world which is based on a literal interpretation of Christian Scripture rules that even to “promote” a homosexual relationship goes against God’s plan. ….

I’m a United Methodist. We share a common heritage with the Salvation Army. We both claim to follow the teachings of John Wesley. And, both Churches do a heck of a lot of good in the world and both of our charities receive top marks among organizations that rank charities. In fact, the United Methodist’s charity, UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief ), which specializes in disaster relief around the world is arguably even better than the Salvation Army as 100% of every dollar that is donated to UMCOR goes solely and exclusively to direct aide on the ground (overhead and administrative costs are covered by church members). AND UMCOR doesn’t engage in proselytizing!

There are differences between us. The Salvation Army is far more conservative and evangelical.


However, those differences amount to about spit to the average gay or lesbian person.

You see, despite all our progressive inclusion of women as ordained clergy and bishops, and despite our long history of being ardent advocates for social justice (which I’m very proud of), since about 25 years ago, ours is a denomination whose official position is that “homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching.” And we have taken up an official stance that we don’t ordain “self-avowed, practicing homosexuals” into the ministry and we don’t allow our clergy to perform gay weddings or holy unions.

A lot of us UM’s pat ourselves on the back for our motto of “Open hearts, Open minds, Open doors,” and we smugly don’t put money into the Salvation Army kettles because we blindly think that we’re “better than them”  … “there but by the Grace of God, go we.” And yet… if we were to organize an annual Christmas kettle drive of our own, the same calls to boycott the Salvation Army’s kettles, would extend to us!

Sorry to be airing our dirty laundry like this, but dammit, I give a damn about my LGBTQI brothers and sisters and I can do no other.

2012 will be a pivitol year for the United Methodist Church. We’ll be holding our quadrennial General Conference event where delegates from around the world will take up legislation to shift and hone the polity and stances of our denomination. Over the past few years, we’ve established full communion with the Episcopalian Church, the PCUSA, Presbyterian Church, the ELCA Lutheran Church, and the UCC, United Church of Christ/Congregationalist Church. And over the past few years, EACH of those Churches have passed progressive legislation no longer barring LGTBQI persons from ordination and allowing their clergy to officiate at gay weddings.

We have a choice to make. We can either follow the Holy Spirit’s unconditionally loving and radically inclusive leadings and move forth to thrive in the 21st Century, or we can chose to relegate ourselves to the increasingly empty and passed by red kettles of history.

May God help us as we choose.

Rev. Roger Wolsey

Director, Wesley Foundation at University of Colorado- Boulder

At Wesley Chapel a Reconciling Ministry – that is LGBTQI friendly and inclusive

See also this article by Roger:  http://www.patheos.com/blogs/rogerwolsey/2011/12/why-im-a-gay-friendly-pastor-world-aids-day/


Wolsey is the author of Kissing Fish: christianity for people who don’t like christianity, an active participant of The Christian Left Facebook Page, and blogs for Patheos, Huffington Post, and Elephant Journal.


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