There is a big difference between being led and being misled. Read more
There is a big difference between being led and being misled. Read more
It's amazing what you can learn from how a person acts in the midst of their weakness. Read more
Should we celebrate UnFather's Day on Father's Day? Or, should Father's Day just celebrate those who made the sacrificial choice to become fathers? Read more
Shouldn't our measure of "greatness" include how a man treated his children? Read more
At the supermarket a few weeks ago, nearly every magazine had a cover story about the surprising death of the recording artist Prince. Indeed, the mystery around his death has intrigued many, especially given the very private life that he led. Interestingly, this focus on Prince reminded me of when he emerged on the music scene. I was 16 years old and I really liked his first hit song. But, honestly, I was a bit jealous of him too. He... Read more
When I was about 12 years old, my mother took me to visit one of her cousins. As the evening approach, she and her cousin decided to go to a concert and they left me in the care of her cousin’s husband. Since I didn’t really know him, I decided to go into one of the bedrooms to watch TV. It wasn’t long before he entered the darken room. I was lying on my stomach with my head cupped in... Read more
I was in a car with some guys, when they passed me a joint. Here's how Nancy Reagan's advice helped me. Read more
Not long ago, I watched a rerun of “Seinfeld,” and I found one scene especially problematic. With the banter and timing reminiscent of the famous Abbott and Costello “Who’s on First?” bit, the characters Jerry and Elaine engaged in a unique version of the “define the relationship” (DTR) conversation. In this case, they had a “define the sexual relationship” (DTSR) conversation. In short, they were trying to determine if they should be friends or “friends with benefits.” This is how... Read more
It’s difficult to be what you don’t see and difficult to give what you didn’t have. Read more