
Seasons April 16, 2014

In this sacred time of Holy Week I am contemplating the themes of death and resurrection. It’s as if there are particular seasons in my life when it becomes painfully clear that certain ways of living, being, or doing are not serving what God is calling forth. It’s as if suddenly I am shaken to my senses by grace to understand that it’s time to let go…to allow old patterns to fall away, in essence, to allow them to die.

I have learned that holding on to outworn facets of my being always seems to lead me into a crisis situation, a time of crucifixion, as it where. In my reticence to stay safe, unchanged, and resistant to God’s call, I cling to the familiar. Again, through grace, I am inspired at last to succumb to Love, to follow the Beloved’s lead, as I let go into the holy fire of transformation.

Grief and unsteadiness always seem to follow the season of letting go. In this stage, I live in the in-between. I am in the cocoon. Within the chrysalis something is happening. The familiarity of the old ways no longer exists and whatever God is forming within my spirit is not yet ready to be revealed. This is a season that calls for patience, and often waiting in darkness until the full unfurling of transformation begins.

Daily spiritual practice, and fervent prayer are my companions during this time within the tomb. Silence is essential. I turn to the writings of the ancient mystics for comfort, and to the Scriptures. I drink tea. I consume honey on bread and I wait.

In God’s time, not time of my own making, the dawn eventually breaks and a new day, a new way of being is revealed. Sweet resurrection.

This awakening experience may be as subtle as the sun slowly rising on the horizon or as profound as an earthquake that rips an island from the sea. Again, God’s ways of providing understanding and revelation cannot be anticipated or calculated.

With resurrection a different lens is provided for inner vision and the dust of what died to make way for the new is captured by the winds of change…until the next season of letting go comes ’round again.

What “season” are  you experiencing at this time in your life?

Do you sense God calling you to explore a different way of living, being, or doing?

What patterns within you are no longer serving the “you” you are becoming?

What sustains you when you are in the tomb, the chrysalis, of transformation?

How are you called to resurrection in this sacred season of hope, renewal, and promise?


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