
Photo on 4-4-15 at 2.19 PM copySibyl Dana Reynolds is the author of the award-winning historical novel,  Ink and Honey and The Way of Belle Coeur: A Woman’s Vade MecumVisit SibylDanaReynolds.com for additional information.

Ordained as the first woman bishop of North America in the Roman Catholic tradition and a spiritual director,  Sibyl offers sacred and creative practices for the spiriutal enrichment of daily life through prayer, journaling, contemplative devotion, and liturgy.

She is featured in director Jules Hart’s recent documentary,Pink Smoke Over the Vatican, a film about the ordination of women in the Catholic Church.

Sibyl is the founder of the Sisterhood of Belle Coeur, a contemporary spiritual, contemplative, and creative community. For the past twenty years, she has been a retreat facilitator for the feminine spiritual/creative process.  She is passionate about the importance of themes found in the lives of medieval women including; pilgrimage, monasticism, art, craft, and Beguine spirituality.

Sibyl enjoys sharing her knowledge and experience with the public through her lectures, presentations, and workshops. A Masters Degree of Theology and her undergraduate work in Religious Studies and Visual Arts provides the foundation for her integration of theology/spirituality with experiential creative practice.

Mentoring and teaching are central to Sibyl’s work. A sensuist, she incorporates an appreciation for the six senses into her writing and work. She believes taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight, and intuition are conduits to the Divine and portals to the sacred imagination.

The three varying facets of her expertise; theological, mystical, and artistic when combined yield inspiration for the human spirit through her lectures, workshops, and online teaching. Sibyl’s passion is helping others to discover the beauty of living with spiritual awareness as sacred life-artisians.

A mother and grandmother, her interests include weaving, photography, and the study of iconography. She lives with her husband in Texas.