August 21, 2011

During the past twenty plus years as a facilitator for the feminine spiritual/creative process, I’ve heard profound stories of heartfelt longing from many women.  The common root of this longing is a desire  to be part of a women’s spiritual circle or community.  Women are seeking to know other “sisters” who share a common call… a call to to know God in a deeper and personal way and to offer help and healing to our suffering world. In the mid-twelfth... Read more

August 12, 2011

In the past three years I have sadly watched as one by one our local bookstores have closed.  Most recently Border’s began final sales in bookstores across the country. Additionally, due to economic cutbacks many schools are no longer offering art or music programs.  Books, art, and music feed the soul. Bookstores have always provided a haven for community life. Often they are the places where people meet for any number of reasons.  Bookstores are soul-nurturing sanctuaries.  I can’t imagine... Read more

August 5, 2011

August is the month that radiates summer’s full bloom as we begin to make the turn towards autumn.  God’s hand is visible everywhere.  Trees bend and sway, their branches heavy with apples nearly ripe for harvest.  Fledgling birds take flight and vacant nests are shaken loose by the shifting wind. We are in the season of in-between. August is the bridge that gently carries us from Summer’s fecundity to Autumn’s glory.  The daylight diminishes and in some places a fleeting... Read more

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