December 3, 2013

Chartres Cathedral has been a destination for spiritual seekers, pilgrims, and journeyers for centuries. My first pilgrimage to Chartres catapulted my sacred imagination into a numinous place of wonderment. The smell of incense filled my nostrils. I remember the cool touch of the massive stone pillars as I leaned against them to catch sight of the soaring, blackened, vaulted ceiling that appeared to reach to the heavens. Later, I circumnavigated the great Cathedral, catching snippets of whispered prayers that led... Read more

July 21, 2013

When I was writing my historical novel, Ink and Honey, I was immersed in the medieval, European, monastic world. As the story (centering around a young woman scribe) developed I became increasingly passionate about the sacred art of illuminated manuscripts. The crafting of illuminations, the colorful and carefully articulated illustrations made by the scribes of the Middle Ages inspired me during my writing process to reconnect to a beloved spiritual/sacred practice, the creation of visual prayer reflections. The book took... Read more

May 17, 2013

Inspiration is a miraculous phenomena. This morning I was looking through my photos, the way one sorts through twigs and branches in search of useful kindling to build a fire. I was seeking fuel,  to stoke my creative fire, to write a new post for this blog. In my search I came upon many images pertaining to art-making, writing, and an array of pictures reflecting the creative process. The thought was sparked as I added my photographic kindling to the... Read more

March 17, 2013

Since the release of my novel, Ink and Honey, readers have been asking about my writing process.  Questions have run the gamut from…. “How long did it take to write your book?” to  “What about rituals?  Do you have any rituals when you write?” The latter question inspired me to give serious thought to the spiritual and sacred components of writing.  Artists, writers (journal-keepers, poets, authors), dancers, and musicians often have rituals associated with their chosen crafts.  As a woman who writes,... Read more

January 28, 2013

“Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.”    Jane Howard I came across the above quote this morning and found myself saying out loud…”Yes!” Yes, it’s a vital human need to feel part of a community. Through my work, I create and foster spiritual and creative circles of women, both online and in “real-time,” in retreat and workshop settings. Women throughout... Read more

January 3, 2013

My curiosity regarding the discovery of long lost artifacts influenced my writing of Ink and Honey, a historical novel. I carry the bone deep belief that ancient feminine wisdom is hidden away in various places in the world, awaiting uncovering, and reclaiming by the women of today.  How might the unearthing of this long forgotten knowledge, the age-old stories of women and their communities and their sacred objects, inspire and transform one’s spiritual and creative understanding? The particular wisdom I’m referring to is not... Read more

December 3, 2012

The season of Advent invites contemplation of the concepts of holy longing and expectant waiting.  Hope eternal is the taproot at this time of year, as we move from darkness toward light’s return and the birth of the Christ Child. The Christ Child, I write these words and deep within I hear a message… Awaken the sacred child that lives within your heart and spirit.  Invite your child-self to reveal your life through the lens of wonder, innocence, and awe.... Read more

November 3, 2012

Circles of women have gathered throughout the ages.  They co-create community  to share the varied life experiences of to care for children, to pray, to tend the sick, to hold vigil for the dying, and also to collaborate and co-create visions and movements that have altered history. In primitive times, women gathered in caves around the fire to paint their prayers and stories on cave walls.  In Jesus’ time, women gathered in tents to sing praises to God in tents... Read more

October 1, 2012

Sacred wisdom takes many forms.  There is the ancient sacred wisdom of the early mystics such as; Hildegard of Bingen, the Beguines, St. John of the Cross, and the Desert Fathers and Mothers.  Poetry also yields sacred wisdom and poets like; Rumi, Rilke, LaLa, Mary Oliver, Adrienne Rich, and Jane Kenyon inspire our spirits.  Sacred texts including the Bible and other books of holy wisdom from many traditions provide fuel for our souls and guidance for our lives. These sources... Read more

September 16, 2012

When life gives you scraps make quilts….Anonymous My mother makes quilts.  I have carefully observed her as she places a template on fabric to sketch a pattern for her stitches.  The design created by the template is merely a guide, an inspiration for her particular push and pull of the needle.  Even though she uses a template for the quilting, it is her choice of fabrics and colors that makes each quilt an expression of her unique brand of creativity.... Read more

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