Musings on Mr. David Miscavige—a Remarkable Man

Musings on Mr. David Miscavige—a Remarkable Man April 29, 2024

Musings on Mr. David Miscavige—a Remarkable Mat was originally published on the website of STAND (Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination) and is published here with its permission.

April 30 is the birthday of David Miscavige, the ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion. Hence, my musings on Mr. David Miscavige. He is truly a remarkable man. Perhaps you remember him from the video celebrating the launch of the Scientology Network. “You’ve probably heard of Scientology,” he said. “Well, whatever you have heard, if you haven’t heard it from us, I can assure you, we are not what you expect.”

Spend a bit of time browsing our website, and you’ll find that truer words were never spoken.

The same could be said of David Miscavige. “If you haven’t heard it from us…”

Musings on Mr. David Miscavige
Musings on Mr. David Miscavige © 2024 Church of Scientology International. All Rights Reserved.

Who Is This Person, really?

Well, since you asked…

A Remarkable Sense of Humor

The first thing that comes to mind is his sense of humor. I met Mr. Miscavige in the informal setting of a religious retreat. And I was surprised to see that, in contrast to the seriousness of his responsibilities, he can be genuinely funny. The kind of “funny” that comes from being able to view the irony in this world. Who is this person, really? He is able to point things out to others in a humorous way. His musings on an awkward situation had us in stitches for 15 minutes straight. I’ve long believed anyone who can do that is, for sure, one of the “good guys.”

Remarkable Persistence

The second thing that comes to mind is Mr. Miscavige’s persistence. For nearly half a century the Church of Scientology battled the IRS. The goal was to be free from IRS harassment and to attain exemption from taxation afforded all religions in America. In an incredible display of persistence, it was finally Mr. Miscavige who achieved that for all Scientologists. And in 1993, the Church of Scientology was granted full tax-exempt religious and charitable status.

Thinking in Futures

The third thing that comes to mind is David Miscavige’s ability to think in futures. For example, plans for new Ideal Churches of Scientology across the globe. He set this in motion decades ago. And all are now coming to fruition. This is thanks to his vision and persistence. Take a look!

After 50+ years of studying and applying the spiritual tools of Scientology to life, I’ve come to appreciate their power to solve problems and change conditions for the better in so many spheres. I know from personal experience how important it is that L. Ron Hubbard’s legacy is preserved for future generations. Upon Ron’s passing in 1986, that responsibility fell squarely on Mr. Miscavige’s young shoulders. Despite all the noise, the attacks, and the general craziness of planet Earth, he rose to the occasion and secured Scientology’s place in this world. We are here to stay.

L. Ron Hubbard’s Trusted Friend

David Miscavige was L. Ron Hubbard’s trusted friend. Mr. Hubbard also appointed David Miscavige as chairman of the organization charged with overseeing and handling his personal affairs. And he trusted him to carry out a detailed blueprint for the future expansion of Scientology. Mr. Hubbard outlined projects he considered critical to that expansion, including authenticating and safeguarding all L. Ron Hubbard materials.

Following L. Ron Hubbard’s passing in 1986, Mr. Miscavige steered Scientology through many challenging times. For as history demonstrates, the true test of any religion is to survive the passing of its Founder. Indeed, it was Mr. Miscavige who secured that survival by obtaining full religious recognition in the United States and ushering Scientology onto the global stage.

More Than Just Musings on a Remarkable Man

I believe he will be long remembered in the history books for that achievement. It is an achievement all Scientologists will remember, forever.

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