July 28, 2014

Last month, more than 4,000 Scientologists gathered to dedicate the landmark Coachman Building at the Church of Scientology International’s Spiritual Headquarters in Clearwater, Florida. In recognition of this historic occasion, Mr. David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center, led the dedication ceremonies. Read more about the dedication ceremonies athttp://bit.ly/1kDbTEg! Read more

July 27, 2014

I posted a link to an article yesterday about the decline of religion among today’s youth. Although this may only be gaining public notice now, it is a phenomenon that has been going on for decades. In fact it was more than 40 years ago that L. Ron Hubbard looked into dramatic social decline as evidenced by increased crime and drug abuse in the wake of a concerted campaign against religion and religious beliefs. “For the last hundred years or so religion has been... Read more

July 26, 2014

World Religion News has this interesting piece on the state or religion in America, particularly how religion is viewed by youth.>> What do you think? Do the youth you know seem to be less involved now than in previous years? Read more

July 16, 2014

What an irrepressible group! The Jive Aces are the zaniest group of musicians. Not only are they a delight to see, their dedication to helping kids stay off drugs is exception. Here’s one example from the Eastbourne Herald : Britain’s Got Talent stars The Jive Aces put on a show in Eastbourne’s town centre last week to help promote an anti-drugs campaign.  The group, who are well-known for their bright yellow suits and upbeat music, performed a collection of songs... Read more

July 8, 2014

The Church of Scientology published the latest “Meet a Scientologist” video July 4, 2014, on the Scientology Video Channel at Scientology.org, and the YouTube Scientology Video Channel—sculptor, photographer, and graphic artist Natalia Escallon of Bogotá, Colombia, shares her passion for her work. Read more

July 3, 2014

When you think about what the founding fathers did, theirs was an act of immense courage. They literally risked everything to put forward a principle that had no precedent in modern history–that a government should be “by the people” and “for the people.” When governments forget their responsibilities to the people, they fall away from their basic purpose. This video public service announcement on The Way to Hapiness expresses it in an interesting way. Read more

July 3, 2014

Yes.  According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Read more

July 2, 2014

Drug education and prevention workshops at the Church of Scientology of Johannesburg are providing religious leaders, businessmen and educators with tools they can use to help curb drug abuse. Representing many different denominations and creeds, all share a common belief—that tackling this deadly epidemic is of utmost urgency. They want answers. And that was what they receive. Church public affairs officer Shaleen Worhnitz introduces them to the Truth About Drugs, the drug education initiative supported by the Church of Scientology. It is a very... Read more

July 2, 2014

As we approach July 4, this article by L. Ron Hubbard speaks to a factor that puts our democratic way of life in peril. His article speaks for itself. The major breakdown of Western democracy is its habit of carelessly basing legal actions on false reports. Anyone can say anything about anybody and police powers and courts are liable to act on reports so false that a child could see through the lie. This was the most odious thing about... Read more

July 1, 2014

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers Balkans Disaster Response is helping villages recover from the record floods of May 2014. They published this story of a team that helped a farmer salvage his farm.  The blog is posted in several languages including English.>> Read more

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