February 17, 2014

When Isabel Allende said in a brief NPR interview that her lat­est novel is a par­ody of crime fic­tion, and that she is not a fan of the genre, you would have thought she had just admit­ted to being a ser­ial killer. She did not say lit­er­ary fic­tion was bet­ter; she did not say those who like crime fic­tion are read­ers of low qual­ity; she did not say Stieg Lars­son fans should put down The Girl With the Dragon Tat­too and pick up The House of the Spir­its. But too many peo­ple seem to be sit­ting around wait­ing to be offended. Polit­i­cal cor­rect­ness is giv­ing us frag­ile ner­vous sys­tems, ready to shat­ter at the least gen­tle breeze. Say noth­ing more momen­tous than that you don’t like a par­tic­u­lar lit­er­ary genre, and those who do like it will break down in a fit of hys­te­ria. [Read more] Read more

February 14, 2014

If you talk to Sim­cha Fisher, she will tell you that she did not write The Sinner’s Guide to Nat­ural Fam­ily Plan­ning to do what other dis­cus­sions of the sub­ject already do well. So you will not find moral or the­o­log­i­cal argu­ment; nor will you find a how-to man­ual for using this method of post­pon­ing pregnancy. “Priests are so thrilled,” she says, “to dis­cover that here finally is a cou­ple who wants to use NFP instead of con­tra­cep­tion, and there is sel­dom any dis­cus­sion of: Now what?” Read more

February 7, 2014

I saw the acronym LGBTA today, on a job board for freelancers; an “LGBTA” mag­a­zine is hir­ing writ­ers. Thought I: What’s the A for? I had seen Q; but what was this new A in the alpha­bet soup of queer? I did the sen­si­ble thing and looked it up. It stands for asexual. I can not keep up. Insan­ity out­paces all sense and defies all rea­son. Where is the rea­son in think­ing of one­self as a species of starfish or sponge? And why leave out the Q’s? Do they have no place in this magazine? Shouldn’t it now be “LGBTQA?” Read more

February 5, 2014

The agenda of the UN is to spread the idea that the Catholic Church is an evil to be fought. Unless the Church per­mits the mur­der of the unborn, it is not doing enough to stop the harm done to chil­dren. Unless the Church per­mits con­tra­cep­tion, it is not doing enough to ensure that chil­dren can live. And unless the Church says that men can stick their organs in places they were not designed to go, it is not doing enough to pro­mote the dig­nity of the human body. Read more

February 4, 2014

Of Mark Binelli’s claim in Rolling Stoned — that the pope’s cri­tique of capitalism is the “most aston­ish­ing” aspect of his papacy thus far — not much need be said. Those famil­iar with Catholic social teach­ing will know that the Church advo­cates nei­ther Marx­ism nor cap­i­tal­ism, but the “third way” of dis­trib­utism. Leo XIII and his suc­ces­sors set forth the prin­ci­ples of it at great length and detail. Dis­trib­utism is a scan­dal to both right and left. Read more

February 2, 2014

It is indeed a melancholy object, dear reader, to con­tem­plate the masses (we speak with no disregard for the Mass) whose breasts are thrilled by the annual event known as Super Bowl Sun­day. Imag­ine some­one will­ing to pay $30,000 in order to have a front-row seat at Mass. We believe that we have dis­cov­ered the way by which that may hap­pen, and not only increase atten­dance at Mass, and excite­ment about the Mass, but the rel­e­vance of the Mass too. Read more

February 1, 2014

Of Pope Fran­cis, Mr. Binelli has this to say: “His rec­og­niz­able human­ity comes off as pos­i­tively rev­o­lu­tion­ary.” Yes. Now, I know this is going to be a dis­putable point, but here it is: That is quite pos­si­bly the dumb­est sen­tence writ by man. No pope before Fran­cis was human? What about that dour old crab Bene­dict? It is not human to be dour? Or what about the gre­gar­i­ous John Paul II? What does he mean, Fran­cis is rev­o­lu­tion­ary because he is human? Does that make sense? Read more

January 31, 2014

In this post I am going to try a lit­tle blas­phemy. I won­der greatly how that will work out for me, in light of the reli­gious hys­te­ria that takes place every year on “Super Bowl Sun­day.” It is our nation’s holi­est day, when we gather round the altar; con­se­crate the ele­ments; and watch our priests beat each other up for an hour. And this we cheer and use as an excuse to get loud and smashed. I do not know why football has so seized this nation's need for religion. Read more

January 30, 2014

By now, dear reader, you have prob­a­bly heard that Pope Fran­cis made the cover of still another pop cul­ture mag­a­zine. The arti­cle, which is long and boor­ish and blind, is bent to advance a stan­dard theme: that the new pope is a fuzzy and progressive-leaning mav­er­ick and will stand Church teach­ing on its head; whereas, the old pope, the evil Benedict, was a sour old man who beat us all over the pate with the ham­mer of dogma. That is a car­i­ca­ture and belies the facts. Read more

January 26, 2014

Adam Pshaw is lecturing the pope on economics again. I am sur­prised Fox News would pub­lish such arro­gant snipe and present it as the work of some­one who “writes about Catholic issues.” No, sir. Fr. Z writes about Catholic issues. Mark Shea writes about Catholic issues. Pat Arch­bold writes about Catholic issues. Fr. Robert Sirico writes about Catholic issues. Did Fox News think to con­sult any of these esteemed men? Is Fox News unable to find informed and thoughtful sources? Read more

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