16 Nonbelievers in Damned Surprising Places

16 Nonbelievers in Damned Surprising Places June 28, 2016


Calling Muhammad a Liar…In the Islamic Empire

It takes a couple of stainless steel cojones to stand up in the middle of 9th century Islam and call Muhammad a liar. But Abu al-Hasan Ahmad ibn Yahya ibn Ishaq al-Rawāndī – yes, that Abu al-Hasan Ahmad ibn Yahya ibn Ishaq al-Rawāndī – does exactly that.

Not only was Muhammad a liar, says the former Islamic theologian, but Allah acts like “a wrathful, murderous enemy” and probably couldn’t even add two and four. The Qur’an itself is “the speech of an unwise being” that contains “contradictions, errors and absurdities.”

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