August 16, 2015

I’m not quite like Reba; I left Christianity gently with no hard feelings. But I relate to this: she finds her fear and runs straight for it. And I relate to this: for Reba, spiritual growth isn’t a luxury, but a matter of life and death. Read more

August 14, 2015

Many Pagans will tell you that they do not have faith and belief, because they know by experience that the gods exist. Here they are using the words in their modern sense of 'assent to a creed'. Other Pagans will quite happily use the words faith and belief, because they mean something different by those words. What is going on? What do the words 'faith' and 'belief' mean? Has their meaning changed over time? Read more

August 11, 2015

Consent culture is the view that everyone has the right to enjoyable sex, which they have enthusiastically consented to, in full possession of the facts (STD status of sexual partner, relationship status of partner, likelihood of commitment). And that everyone has the right to say no to sex. Consent culture is sex-positive, sets boundaries, and promotes clear and shame-free communication about sex. Read more

August 10, 2015

I am a Wiccan and a polytheist, and I do not believe that the gods are merely archetypes. I believe the gods are real and have agency. I am not sure if the gods are made of energy or consciousness or both, but I am sure that they are distinct identities. Read more

August 6, 2015

My recommendation would be to read widely and deeply, noting what you agree with, what riles you, and what attracts you. You don't have to agree with everything you read. Rather you should engage with it, see how it affects you, think about any issues it raises for you. Read more

July 30, 2015

Groups can be awesome if you find the right people to celebrate with; they can also be a bit dysfunctional. The trick is to go about finding a group with your eyes open. If you experience warning signs and feel that the group you are considering joining does not fit your needs, proceed with caution. Finding the right group for your needs can be really tricky. Most people are either incredibly cautious about approaching groups, or touchingly enthusiastic and hence vulnerable. Read more

July 28, 2015

Eric was walking down the street Walking while Black, held his head high Just trying to breathe, trying to pray, Trying to get through another day. Read more

July 27, 2015

There are many reasons why someone might want a Pagan name: to feel more in touch with a particular deity, animal, bird, or tree; to emphasise a quality that you possess, or to which you aspire; to celebrate a connection with a particular animal, bird, plant, place, or being hat you already feel. Read more

July 25, 2015

Although a majority of people of faith support same-sex marriage and inclusivity, and are opposed to racism, the haters and bigots get far more news coverage than the welcoming and inclusive people. Why is hate more newsworthy than love? Read more

July 24, 2015

As we go through life, most of us find our ethics are guided by the field of Applied Ethics. That is, we use concepts of duty and legal/contractual obligations to guide our behavior. Witchcraft requires a different approach: one of normative ethics. Normative Ethics attempt to define, in general terms, what actions are morally right. Read more

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