Creighton training opportunity in DC area

Creighton training opportunity in DC area November 22, 2013

Got this email from Adrienne Pedraza re Creighton education, and my brain is too fried to try to rewrite it into a post, so here you go:

I thought I’d reach out to you to see if you know of anyone who would be interested in getting trained in the DC area (or would be willing to give a plug on your blog – feel free to post my email for those interested/those who want more info about the process, expenses, etc.).  As of right now I’m just trying to find at least 4 more people who want to do it.  I’m in contact with an educator from Wheeling, WV who seems willing to travel here to do the program if we get at least 5 people, but we haven’t set any logistics yet.  I can definitely let you know once we do (God willing!) if you’d prefer to just post that information.  There’s been a good amount of response from members of of that group, so I’m hopeful!  But I figured the more I get the word out, the better chance of it all coming together!  Please let me know what you think!

Adrienne Pedraza  at

Yay Creighton!

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