The National Catholic Bioethics Center is kind of amazing

The National Catholic Bioethics Center is kind of amazing January 10, 2014

They are a great resource for all kinds of news and information about bioethics, including issues like brain death, use of vaccines, IVF and more.

Here is their pledge:

The National Catholic Bioethics Center believes the Catholic reverence for human life can help shape societal attitudes and public policy for the benefit of all, particularly for those who are weak and vulnerable.

The Center pledges its service to clergy, religious, and laity, especially those in the health care professions, as they face daily ethical challenges in the care and treatment of patients. In light of the convergence of civil law and scientific advancement, the Center also seeks to reach those who influence law and public policy. Indeed, the Center’s mission transcends religious boundaries in its application of ethical reflection consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Magisterium to society-at-large as we grapple with the complex issues posed by the rapid developments in medicine, science, and biotechnology.

The Center also pledges its fidelity to the magisterial teaching of the Church and to the bishops who provide leadership and pastoral guidance to clergy and laity on complex bioethical issues. The Center seeks to facilitate the critical partnership between dioceses and health care institutions in fulfilling their mutual commitment in service to the human person.

Today, I found out that they offer free ethics consultations, 24/7.

The NCBC guarantees that a credentialed ethicist will be available 24/7 to assist you, or any person, with those most difficult moral health care decisions one must make from the beginning to the end of life.

This is a real spiritual work of mercy. If you are inclined to donate to the NCBC, I know they would put your money to good use.  They are providing something so important, as medical technology shoots so far and fast beyond what most people can understand.  No one asked me to plug this! I was just very moved to hear that they offer this service for free.  Good guys.


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