So, who wants to win a Baby-Comp?

So, who wants to win a Baby-Comp? July 23, 2014

Because on Monday, I will be giving away a Baby-Comp.


Yep, a Baby-Comp! This lovely little gadget retails between $400-$500, if you can find it for sale. It’s a first generation model, brand new. You can use this device to help you either plan or avoid conception. The raffle begins today, and will remain open until Monday.

And who is our generous sponsor? The Natural Baby Company of Austin, TX.  Because the next generation of the Lady Comp just came out, they only have one of the first generation models left in stock, and have offered to pass it on to one of you.



The Natural Baby Company is a boutique that specializes in all-natural baby products, including cloth diapers, baby gear, baby feeding products, carriers, wraps, dolls and toys, and baby health and wellness products.

The Natural Baby Company is a friendly place!  Proprietor  Whitney Smith LeBlanc says:

We have a Natural Family Planning Chit-Chat happening at our store on August 3rd (Sunday) from 3-5. Its a safe place for women to ask questions, talk about their experience and trials and learn more about Natural Family Planning.

Amazing! I wish we had one in NH.  If you are lucky enough to be in driving distance of The Natural Baby Company, definitely stop by and check it out!

Remember, this is a separate contest from the Winner’s Guide contests. This one is just to win this Baby-Comp. There is only one prize, and there are only two ways to enter: by “liking” their Facebook page, and by signing up for their mailing list. (For the mailing list sign-up, click on “invent your own option” and then follow the link.) YOU MUST USE THE RAFFLECOPTER FORM BELOW TO BE ENTERED, AND YOU MUST ENTER BOTH WAYS!

Good luck — and thank you, Natural Baby Company!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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