August 29, 2013

Yesterday the supermarket, we saw this: It made me think of this: “I too am so on the go, I drink my yogurt from a tube!”  Oh, young parsons, I weep for you. Read more

August 28, 2013

–1– Well designed hair jewelry!  We are one hairy family. Katrina Burbank was kind enough to send me a few of the lovely hair do dads — a Flexi Clip and a beaded headband — that she sells through Lilla Rose Hair Jewelry.  Honestly, I was skeptical at first, especially about the flexi clip.  It’s pretty, but it looked hard to use and too small and heavy to stay in my kids’ thick, fine hair.  I also thought the headband looked uncomfortable. Nope!  ... Read more

August 27, 2013

Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood director, pro-life activist, and founder of And Then There Were None, posted this on Facebook: We just found out today that a former Planned Parenthood employee, who is now working with ATTWN, was fired from her new job today simply because “she used to work at Planned Parenthood.” We guess someone higher up found out about her former employer and didn’t want her there anymore. We are working with one of our attorneys on this... Read more

August 27, 2013

Get ’em while they’re free. Read more

August 27, 2013

Praying for, with, and over your children. Read more

August 27, 2013

Wah, my daughter just left for her first day of high school, and I forgot to tell her she looked pretty.  Well, it’s only a half day, and she seemed like she knew it, anyway.  Tomorrow I’ll give both girls a blessing before they leave.  (The other kids don’t start school until next week!) And for everyone they meet, here’s some rules (courtesy of an amazing blog, Ask the Past) Each and every one attached to this university is forbidden to offend with... Read more

August 26, 2013

Gee, I’ve been educated a lot this week about what writing is for — about what writers ought to be able to get away with, because they’re crafting an underappreciated genre called a persuasive essay; or because we gots to fight against the Twitterification of America with its puny, shrunken 140-character-wide brainspan; or because sometimes meandering and hemming and hawing are illustrative of a human experience and are therefore not only excusable but relevant, even unto 9,000+ words. Hey, you know what? I never liked... Read more

August 25, 2013

Last time I read 6,000 words at sitting, they were written by Herman Melville. That is all. Read more

August 23, 2013

I’m still finishing up final edits of The Sinner’s Guide to Writing the Book Which I Will Never Ever Ever Be Done With Ever, and working on another writing project which I’m thrilled to be a part of, but which is giving me nightmares because I want to get it right.  And I decided we should go ahead and redo the living room walls, which are horsehair plaster, covered with wallpaper, covered with cheap wood panelling, covered with two more... Read more

August 22, 2013

And no, I don’t mean offering yoga classes at the Newman Center. You know, when Catholic women tell me, “Oh please, we don’t need a theology of women, ” they really mean, “I always wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, and now I am one” or “I am temperamentally suited to homeschool” or “I really enjoy cooking and sewing” or “I have no desire or need to work outside the home.”  There are many, many women who want desperately to... Read more

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