August 20, 2013

Woman with Double Stroller, American, 2013.  That says it all, right? Read more

August 20, 2013

Hooray!  Using a random number generator, I have selected the three winners of a free copy of The Sinner’s Guide to NFP: Congratulations to Bridget (10:56 a.m., Thursday Aug. 15), Emily Krutzig Cook, and AMoniqueOcampo.  I have sent you each an email so you can tell me if you’d rather have the ebook or audiobook format. Thank you so much to everyone who entered, and especially those of you who donated to my kids’ charter school.  Some of the donations... Read more

August 19, 2013

I just want to make sure I have all the names of everybody who donated to the school.  We’re in the throes of “summer’s almost over” panic, so we climbed a mountain yesterday and are about to leave for Boston to see the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum today.  We kinda forgot to figure out what to do about the puppy, though, so it looks like we will be getting out culchah in shifts today.  Whatever.  See you tomorrow, and thanks... Read more

August 18, 2013

There is still time to enter the drawing to win one of three copies of my upcoming ebook and audiobook, The Sinner’s Guide to NFP.   It’s free to enter, but if you make a donation to my kids’ wonderful charter school, you can up your chances of winning tenfold! Contest closes tonight, Sunday, August 18, at midnight eastern time!  Click here to enter. Read more

August 16, 2013

Hey, it’s been a while since anyone passed out any useless internet awards.  Here yuh go, in no particular order, for no particular reason: 1. The Weeping Putin Award goes to Mark Shea for his egregious crimes against totalitarianism. Who does he think he is, etc. etc.  Hermeneuticalosityness.  Constantine.  Etc. 2.  The Bruce Wayne Award goes to Joey Prever/Steve Gershom, because he’s recently come out as Batman. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. 3.  The Peeping Pope Award goes... Read more

August 15, 2013

at least it’s an ethos!  According to Philip Primeau of Catholic Lane.  He responds to my little romp through the pecadillos of our hero Putin with this manly thrashing (emphasis mine): The fact is, Mrs. Fisher and Mr. Shea do not scorn Putin because of his disregard for Christian values—which he is struggling mightily to restore, however spotted his own soul may be—but because of his disregard for the dangerous ideals of the Enlightenment. These liberal ideals, such as “freedom of... Read more

August 15, 2013

Do you see what happens?  Do you SEE what happens when you treat gender like a problem that needs to be solved? Read more

August 14, 2013

Interesting little tidbit on Sociologists from Ohio State University have found that children from large families have markedly lower divorce rates. The equation that emerged after a 40-year study, involving a sample of 57,000 American adults, was simple: The more siblings you had as a child, the less likely you were to be divorced as an adult. The researchers don’t offer an explanation for this phenomenon—in fact they seem to be stumped—but they know it’s not because the children from large families... Read more

August 14, 2013

I’m pre-giving away three copies of my upcoming book.  See this post for details.   Read more

August 13, 2013

Putin, Putin! He’s so fine! He’s so fine he’ll Bash your head.   Read more

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