July 24, 2013

With The Carlos Danger Name Generator. I entered “Ron Mexico” and came out with “Dario Kill.”  Hard to argue with that. Read more

July 24, 2013

I forgot about this one. John reminds me that he also offered to  “draw an angry cartoon guy shouting ‘DIS WOOKS WIKE COWNTWACEPTIVE MENTAWITY!!’ to add in the margins alongside controversial passages.”  Maybe for the hardcover edition, eh? Read more

July 24, 2013

I am aware of NFP.  Are you?  I’ve been aware that it’s NFP Awareness Week for some time, now, but I’m kinda tired of NFP.  I even wrote a book about it basically so I could stop thinking about it already. I’m so darn lazy, I don’t even have the energy to put together a list of helpful links – but honestly, that’s why we have Google.   Seriously, you guys, I had a margarita last night at Theology on Tap,... Read more

July 23, 2013

Oh my sisters and brothers, here is the best story you will read all week. Read more

July 23, 2013

Every once in a while, someone writes to me looking for advice about how to run a large household with thrift and efficiency. Why don’t I?  Because of things like this: What?  I had a dream.  It’s going to be a bad scene, folks — the great ketchup famine of ’14.  Be prepared!  Plus, it’s not often that I come out looking worse than Mrs. Pig, At least she bought all that ketchup on purpose. I, on the other hand, just suck... Read more

July 23, 2013

Oh, just making myself popular with pro-lifers again. Read more

July 22, 2013

Says David Cameron, the Prime Minister: Children can’t go into the shops or the cinema and buy things meant for adults or have adult experiences – we rightly regulate to protect them. But when it comes to the internet in the balance between freedom and responsibility, we have neglected our responsibility to our children. My argument is that the internet is not a side-line to ‘real life’ or an escape from ‘real life’; it is real life. It has an... Read more

July 22, 2013

I don’t usually do product reviews, but I’m so pleased with the birthday present we just gave our six-year-old daughter! It’s the Pet Vet Center by Lakeshore Learning Materials. I thought it was kind of pricy at $29.99, but ordered it anyway because I was in a rush.  Turns out it’s really high quality.  The puppy is extremely sturdy and much bigger than I expected, and the legs are jointed, so you can pose it.  The cards and other accessories are... Read more

July 21, 2013

I’ve very graciously been invited to lead a Theology on Tap discussion this Tuesday in Keene, NH.  Here’s the event description: Think “Fifty Shades of Grey” is shocking? We’ll see your fifty and raise you 5 years and 129 talks–that’s what it took for Blessed John Paul II to outline his “Theology of the Body”, in which he explained the relationship between sex and spirituality. We’re so often taught in church that sex is a black-and-white, “do it” or “don’t... Read more

July 19, 2013

Seen on Target’s Facebook page:  “Corn on the Cob Survival Kit” Up next:  a special truss for guiding your tootsies in the general direction of your flip flops!  How about some lotion to rescue your fingertips from the ravages of pressing the OnStar button in your SUV if you get lost on the way to Starbucks?  Or maybe an itty bitty squeegee for clearing the fog off your upper lip when you courageously tackle an ice cream cone?  Take heart, Americans!  We... Read more

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