
Honey December 17, 2003

Have you ever seen a good movie made from a really poor script and conventional plot? Honey-from-the block is not a well-written movie, but I enjoyed every minute of it. (Think thoughts of Jennifer Lopez’ story growing up in the Bronx – even to the choice of Castle Hill Avenue for a dance studio … which is not even close to Hunt’s Point or the South Bronx!)

It’s Save the Last Dance, and a little Dirty Dancing rolled into one. Great moves by Jessica Alba and the kids she teaches at the Center in Hunt’s Point (South Bronx) as she strives to maintain her principles and dignity when she gets involved in the music video business. A little romance, cultural diversity and awesome dancing.

This is a nice film that addresses poverty, drugs, cast off children, working parents, family, friends, and community. Some parents won’t get the urban milieu or appreciate the dancing, but if they would give it a chance… A movie with lots of heart.

And only 90 minutes long!!!!

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