Where’s the Love? Movie Critics & the Religious Audience

Where’s the Love? Movie Critics & the Religious Audience October 11, 2007

I am pleased to send you the slate of panelists for the Catholics in Media/Open Call sponsored event at The Directors Guild of America, Los Angeles, Sunday, October 28, 2007, 11:00am – 1:00pm. You may obtain tickets at the door ($15.00; $8.00 students) or if you have an all-festival pass for the City of Angels Film Festival, you will be admitted to this event at no extra charge (www.cityofangelsfilmfest.org).


Event: Where’s the Love? The Film Critic vs the Religious Audience – A Conversation


Moderator: Scott Young, the founder of the City of Angels Film Festival




Ø      Claudia Puig, Film Critic for USAToday, member LA Film Critics Association

Ø      Eleonora Granata the USA rep and programmer for the Venice International Film Festival (LaBiennale) and senior programmer for the Miami International Film Festival

Ø      Jonathan Bock, producer of Thou Shalt Laugh I and Thou Shalt Laugh: The Deuce and president of Grace Hill Media, Los Angeles, a full-service feature film marketing & PR firm to faith communities

Ø      Peter Malone, London-based Film Reviewer for SIGNIS.net and contributor to The Universe, Award-winning author of several books on faith and film

Ø      Additional panelists TBA


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