Big Fish

Big Fish December 12, 2003

This latest from Tim Burton is warm, off-beat and appealing. It’s themes are very Christian as are the images. Big Fish – remember the one that got away? A young man, Will, (Billy Crudup) goes home because his father (Albert Finney) is dying. They have not spoken for three years. The father is a very social person and has always related to people through fantastic stories. Will scorns his father and regrets every believing him.

The strongest feature of this film is its heart, the father-son relationship. But let us not stop there. Family, marriage, death, and very strong baptismal imagery are front and center – as are Burton-esque visual motifs that you’ll recognize from his other films.

It’s an odd piece, typical Burton parable. It will make you smile and maybe shed a tear or two.

Good on story-telling and metaphor.

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