Bookmarked in June

Bookmarked in June July 3, 2007

I fully intend, when tagging these things, to get back to them later and post about them in detail. Sometimes that doesn’t happen:

• “The reason to have a theater.”

• “Mr. Darcy in the Fields of Bethlehem.” I forget what I was looking for on the Web when I stumbled across Abigail Nussbaum’s reconsideration of the Book of Ruth as a Jane Austen novel.

• (via) “Gay Christians Say the Darnedest Things!

• Bonhoeffer, Batman and Jack Bauer. In three lucid paragraphs, Atrios explains why the ability to imagine a situation in which you have to do a Bad Thing does not mean that the Bad Thing is Good.

• “Group demands that schools teach the controversy about when summer begins.” Pitch-perfect satire from Amanda. (I miss the old days, when conservative Christians used to claim that the problem was the evil liberals and secular humanists denying “objective truth.” Now they’re the ones who sound like French literary critics. Tying this in to the previous link, they’ve even come to embrace their longtime bogeyman “situation ethics.”)

• Arctic Baseball: Goldpanners win streak ends after 14 years.

• Martin Marty: “I almost never believe a believer in literal hell …”

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