The Mosaic

This is simply a list of Christian bloggers who don’t happen to be white.

This list so far is embarrassingly short. That’s evidence, I take it, that my own blog-reading habits have been even more culturally circumscribed than I had realized.

So I’m asking for help here, because apparently I need it. What I’ve got here isn’t so much a list as the tip of an iceberg, and I hope you’ll be able to help me discover the many, many terrific voices I haven’t yet included here.

  1. 1MommaSunshine
  2. The 19 Report
  3. AAWOL Sisters
  4. Adam Rao
  5. Afrik Advantage
  6. Alia Joy
  7. All Things Beautiful
  8. Amaryah Shaye
  9. Amethyst Marie
  10. And You Shall Know the Truth
  11. Andy Cheung
  12. Andy Gill
  13. Angela Tucker
  14. Anna Renee Is Still Talking
  15. Ann’s Bible Companion
  16. Anokina Shahbaz
  17. AnonymousJLee
  18. Anthea Butler
  19. Anthony Bradley
  20. Antwuan Malone
  21. April Yamasaki
  22. Are Women Human?
  23. Arrianna Marie’s Blog
  24. Ashley Lynch-Harris
  25. Asian American Pastor
  26. The Asian Rough Rider
  27. Austin Channing Brown
  28. The AYG List
  29. Beautiful Scars
  30. Being TC
  31. Berry Morin’s Bits & Tips
  32. Bible Verses Insights
  33. Big Is the New Small
  34. The Black Box
  35. Black Church Studies Blog
  36. Black. Female. Christian. Vegan.
  37. BlameGirl
  38. BlogPastor
  39. Brooke Obie
  40. Brother-Beloved-Son
  41. Brown-Eyed Amazon
  42. Bruce Reyes-Chow
  43. Butterfly Confessions
  44. C.J. Rhodes
  45. Calming the Cricket
  46. Can I Brag on My Lord?
  47. Carried Away
  48. Catterfly Still Processing
  49. Celucien Joseph
  50. Cenizas, Estelas y Senderos 
  51. Chanequa Walker-Barnes
  52. Charles Lee
  53. Chocolate Covered Daydreams
  54. The Chocolate Puma
  55. Christena Cleveland
  56. Church Boy Chronicles
  57. The Church Cook
  58. The Church Lady Blogs
  59. Cindy Brandt
  60. Claude Mariottini
  61. Conformed to Be Transformed
  62. Conversations
  63. A Creative Researcher
  64. The Critical Cleric
  65. Critical Spontaneity
  66. Cross of Christ
  67. Crown of Beauty
  68. Crux Sola
  69. Crystal St. Marie Lewis
  70. D.J. Chuang
  71. Daily Meditation
  72. Daniel Im
  73. David Leong
  74. Delight
  75. Denise Morris
  76. Derwin L. Gray
  77. Desiree Adaway
  78. The Devotion Cafe
  79. Discoveries
  80. The Dithering of a District Diva
  81. Dorcas Cheng-Tozun
  82. Dreaming Beneath the Spires
  83. Dr. Grace Kao
  84. Drew G.I. Hart
  85. Dulce de Leche
  86. Ebony Johanna
  87. Ecclesiastical Graffiti
  88. Eesahmu
  89. Embracing My Shadow
  90. Engage Scriptures
  91. Ethnic Space and Faith
  92. Eugene Cho
  93. Expect the Exceptional
  94. The F.A.B. Sister’s Blog
  95. Faith 1st Ministries
  96. Faith Barista
  97. Faith. Hope. Love.
  98. Femmetotale
  99. First Day Walking
  100. For Fathers
  101. Free Spirit Butterfly
  102. Fresh Revelations
  103. Gabbing With Grace
  104. George Ifeanyi
  105. The Ghetto Monk
  106. Giving Inspiration for Transformation
  107. God Speaks I Listen
  108. Godvertiser
  109. God’s Grace Daily Devotions
  110. Going Beyond Ministries
  111. Golden Faith Within
  112. Gone Fishin’
  113. Gordon Cheng
  114. The Gospel According to Saint Marcus
  115. Grace Biskie
  116. Grace Ji-Sun Kim
  117. Grace Laced
  118. Headsparks
  119. Hearts Like Water
  120. HeARTworks
  121. Helen Lee
  122. Heretical Psalmist
  123. Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters
  124. Ho’omeheu
  125. The Human Impulse
  126. In His Name
  127. In Its Time
  128. In Shades of Scarlet
  129. Incarnate Thinking
  130. Interfaith Youth Core Blog
  131. Intersections
  132. Irene’s Daughters
  133. Island Musings
  134. J. Kameron Carter
  135. J.S. Park
  136. Jamal Jivanjee
  137. James Choung
  138. James W. McCarty III
  139. Janemes Kimang
  140. Jelani Greenidge
  141. Jemar Tisby
  142. Jeremiah Wright
  143. Jerry Z. Park
  144. Jesus for Revolutionaries
  145. JMad Reflects
  146. Joey Contreras
  147. John Saddington
  148. Joseph Boston
  149. Joseph Yoo
  150. Journey of Joy
  151. Judith Riddle Photography
  152. Julie J. Park
  153. Jumping Tandem
  154. Justice Is a Verb
  155. Justin Fung
  156. Justin K.H. Tse
  157. Karen Angela Ellis
  158. Ken Fong’s Blog
  159. Kinetics Live
  160. Krish Kandiah
  161. Kwok Pui Lan
  162. Kye S. Chung
  163. La Lucha, Mi Pulpito
  164. Left Cheek
  165. Life of a Frustrated Negro
  166. Life Reconsidered
  167. Linson Daniel
  168. Lisa Shaw
  169. Lisha Epperson
  170. Listen to Miss Ritz
  171. The Living Rice
  172. Living the Next Steps
  173. Lloyd Estrada
  174. Long City Walks & Bright Thoughts
  175. Love God, Love People, Change the World
  176. Lovebabz: A Life in Transition
  177. Mackenzian
  178. Marble Notebooks
  179. Marlena Graves
  180. Marvia Davidson
  181. Meet the Buttrams
  182. Michael Monday
  183. Michelle Huxtable
  184. Miz’s Write for Life
  185. Mommy Hobbies
  186. MoMoMod
  187. Monica A. Coleman
  188. More Than Self-Expression
  189. More Than Serving Tea
  190. Morning Joy
  191. Morris Brown AME Church
  192. Much Love Illy
  193. Musings of a Postmodern Negro
  194. Musings of an Urban Christian
  195. My Life as a Young Adult
  196. My Spare Oom
  197. Nanna’s Reflections
  198. A Native Heart
  199. Neo Soul Faith
  200. Next Gener.Asian Church
  201. No Extra Credit
  202. Nonso Chukwunonye
  203. Notes of an Imperfect Christian
  204. O.W. Prince
  205. On the Grind
  206. One Woman Show
  207. Our Experiments With Truth
  208. Our Healing Moments
  209. Our Witness
  210. Out of a Pure Heart
  211. The Palmer Perspective
  212. Papyrus Will Grow
  213. The Pastor Rudy Experience
  214. Path of Treasure
  215. Pat’s Letters God Inspired
  216. Pause and Breath
  217. Peter Kihyun Park
  218. Peter W. Chin
  219. Political Jesus
  220. The Pop Culture Philosopher
  221. Praxis Habitus
  222. The Praying Woman
  223. Princess TinyButt
  224. Prof. Rah’s Blog
  225. Prophets of Culture
  226. Pure Church
  227. Queer Eye for God’s World
  228. Rachel’s Book Reviews
  229. Ragamuffin Soul
  230. Rainbows and Lilacs
  231. Ram Sridharan
  232. Ramon Mayo
  233. Real Life: Live and Unscripted
  234. A Real Rattlesnake Meets His Maker
  235. The ReBoot
  236. Reconciliation Blog
  237. Reconciling Way
  238. Reflections From a Christian Mommy Writer
  239. Reflections of an Afro-Christian Scholar
  240. Reformed African American Network
  241. Regina’s Family Seasons
  242. Religion. Ethnicity. Wired.
  243. Reluctant Pilgrim
  244. Rev. Dr. Paul Smith
  245. Rev. Irene Monroe
  246. Rev. Wil Gafney
  247. REV-elution
  248. Rhetoric Race and Religion
  249. Richard Westley
  250. Robert Gelinas
  251. The Rooftop
  252. Rude Truth
  253. Running la Carrera
  254. Sam Chacko
  255. Sammy Adebiyi
  256. SeeCao
  257. See.Speak.Hear.Mama
  258. Serenity 23
  260. Shaun in the City
  261. Shalom in the City
  262. Simply Chervelle
  263. A Single Step
  264. A Sista’s Journey
  265. Sita’s Sanctum
  266. SkyeBox
  267. Soul Stops
  268. Soula Scriptura
  269. Spicey Morsels
  270. Spirited Concepts
  271. Spiritual Practice, Faith, and Life
  272. Still Waters
  273. The Storytela
  274. Stuff Antonia Says
  275. The Sustainist
  276. Swearing Off Politics
  277. Syncopated Hustle
  278. Talkative Angel
  279. TDad’s Purr and Roar
  280. That Old Black Church!
  281. The Tattered Rose
  282. This Scroll: Baptist & Reformed
  283. Through the Looking Glass
  284. Tim and Olive
  285. Transatlantic Roundtable on Religion and Race
  286. Trillia Newbell
  287. Twelve Sixteen
  288. Typical Tanya
  289. Unoma Nwankwor
  290. Unwalled
  291. Up Up Down Down
  292. Uppity Negro Network
  293. Urban Faith
  294. Urban Mission Blog
  295. The Urban Oasis
  296. Urban Onramps
  297. The Utley Experience
  298. Via Discipuli, Via Crucis
  299. Vine and Branch World Ministries
  300. Vinoth Ramachandra
  301. The Vision Larry
  302. Vivian Mabuni
  303. Wanjoki Connection
  304. The Watered Soul
  305. Wayne Park
  306. Wendell Griffin on Cultural Competency
  307. What a Cup of Tea
  308. What If I Stumble
  309. Where Are You? Where Are You Going?
  310. William Barber
  311. Wisdom for Wives
  312. Wisdom From the Throne
  313. Wm. Dwight McKissic
  314. Womanist Biblical Scholar Reflections
  315. The Word Made Plain
  316. Write a Blog on a Log, Sam I Am
  317. Writings by Charleen
  318. WWJD If He Was an ABC
  319. Yesu Garden
  320. Yo Soy Kristy
  321. You Feed Others, Who Feeds You?