Typepad Strikes Back

Typepad Strikes Back December 18, 2007

The Good News: Typepad has revamped it’s spam filters for comments.

The Bad News: It’s now classifying lots of legitimate comments as spam — sort of the spam-filter equivalent of lupus.

I’m trying to figure out what I can do to tweak this. They’ve changed the comment-editing interface (unannounced and without instructions), so I’ll see if I can navigate that to make this work better. My apologies for the infuriating inconvenience (particularly to those of you whom Typepad seems especially to dislike — Ecks, Scott, Jon, Geds, Cyllan and Mrs. & Mr. cjmr, among others).

In the meantime if you’re unable to post a comment, please feel free to e-mail it to me — slacktivist at hotmail dot com — and I’ll try to get it posted from here.

So again, sorry about that and thanks for your patience.

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