The Invaders

The Invaders January 6, 2008

The invaders are everywhere, spanning the globe from the Far East to even here, in the United States. More than a billion of them.

They are unruly, uncivilized, irrational. It’s not considered “PC” to say so, but millions of them are simply incapable of reason. And history has taught us, again and again, that they cannot be controlled; they cannot be ignored; they cannot be denied.

They cannot be stopped.

Forgive me again for being politically incorrect, but most of these people couldn’t survive without our largesse.

This is the cruelest irony. They cannot provide for themselves. They rely on us for protection and even for their basic needs. In a very real sense they wouldn’t even exist without us. And yet they mean to replace us.

They’re just biding their time, but look into their eyes and you can see their chilling vision of the future. Once we’re out of the picture, they will rule the world.

And they’re already making plans for that day.

We don’t have a part to play in those plans.

We will all be dead.

I am speaking, of course, of the world’s children.

Consider this an open thread for nightmares, Oedipal or otherwise.

Fear not. Don’t panic. But if you have been: A) dumbstruck by fear; B) fearstruck by dumb; or C) driven up a wall by the way in which many of your fellow citizens are eager to exchange their rights, their privacy and their humanity due to simple panic, then please talk about it here rather than hijacking some other innocent thread. Thanks.

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