Pass. The. Damn. Bill.

Pass. The. Damn. Bill. March 17, 2010

Blog_Pass_The_Damn_Bill If you're in favor of expanding access to health care to 30 million people now uninsured …

And/or if you don't think health insurance companies should be allowed to exclude sick people from access to health care …

And/or if you think it shouldn't be legal for health insurers to keep premiums but end contracts when the insured get sick ("rescission," they call it) …

And/or if you'd like to see the federal deficit reduced by $130 billion over the next 10 years and by even more after that …

And/or if you'd like it to be possible for anything at all more to be done to improve America's health care system in the next 10-15 years instead of seeing health care reform again relegated to unmentionable status for at least that long

And/or if you're interested in ever again receiving a raise from your employer instead of watching that raise — and eventually your base salary — get swallowed up by the ever-increasing cost of your health care benefits …

Then please consider making a phone call to your senators and your representative this week.

If you don't know the number, you can look it up in a couple of clicks at

Thank you.

(Image swiped from Mother Jones. I'm fairly sure they won't mind.)

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