Things to come

Things to come September 1, 2010

 In 2037, the oldest baby boomers will be 92 years old. They will have been collecting Social Security benefits in full for 27 years. Those benefit payments will have added $0 to the federal budget deficit.

250px-Jetsons In 2037, the youngest baby boomers will be 72 years old. They will have been collecting Social Security benefits in full for seven years. Those benefit payments will have added $0 to the federal budget deficit.

In 2037, the 3.2 million American workers born in 1972 will reach retirement age and will collect their first year of Social Security benefits. In full.

In 2037, the 4.31 million Americans born in 2007 — the largest-ever generation up to that point — will be 30 years old. Congressional hand-wringers will point out that this massive baby boomlet is only 35 years from retirement. Predicting calamity in 2072, they will call for the formation of a blue-ribbon panel to consider ways of dismantling Social Security before then.

In 2037, Alan Simpson will be long dead, no longer sucking at the tit of his Senate pension.

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