Book-burning is a Bad Thing

Book-burning is a Bad Thing September 10, 2010



I'll have a bit more to say about this after my home computer gets off the disabled list. For now, though, let me just note that you shouldn't be allowed to be a book-burning bigot while going by the name Terry Jones. Or Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle or Michael Palin. Or Carol Cleveland or Neil Innes either, for that matter.

And since the print in the second poster may be too small, here's what it says:

"Books cannot be killed by fire. People die, but books never die. No man and no force can put thought in a concentration camp forever. No man and no force can take from the world the books that embody man's eternal fight against tyranny. In this war, we know, books are weapons."

— Franklin D. Roosevelt

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