Rally logistics

Rally logistics October 28, 2010

OK, so, the National Mall is a fairly large place and from what I understand there may be dozens, even hundreds of people there this weekend.

400px-JosephHenry-SmithsonianCastle-20050517 So I guess if we're going to try to meet up at the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear, we should probably plan something more specific than "Hey, see you Saturday on the Mall." Details seem called for: When and where and who, particularly.

How's 10:30-ish sound for the when?

As for the where —

Let's meet in front of the Smithsonian Castle, by this statue of Joseph Henry. (There's a Metro stop at the Smithsonian, which is at 1000 Jefferson Drive SW.)

And as for the who, let's make this a show-of-hands, RSVP, see-you-there thread.


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