Massive earthquake, tsunami strike Japan

Massive earthquake, tsunami strike Japan March 11, 2011

Give. Pray. Hope. Remember. Love.

News item: “Red Cross responds: region on tsunami alert

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies describes the situation:

A massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake – the seventh largest recorded in history – struck the eastern coast of Japan at 14:46 local time today, 11 March.

The earthquake’s epicentre was located 130 kilometres off the eastern coast of Japan, and some 373 kilometres north-east of Tokyo. A number of severe 6.4-magnitude aftershocks have followed.

Within minutes, the quake had triggered a tsunami that hit the eastern coast of Japan with 7-metre-high waves, which pushed inland and left a trail of destruction.

So far, at least 28 people are reported to have died, with many more injured or missing. The earthquake triggered fires and caused severe damage to buildings, leaving 4.4 million households without electricity.

The Japanese Red Cross immediately began an assessment exercise from its national headquarters and at branch level, mobilizing its staff and volunteers. The National Society deployed 11 national disaster response teams to carry out assessments and provide first aid and healthcare in the affected areas. …

For an alternative view, see below.

WorldNetDaily item: “‘Left Behind’ author sees Bible all over disaster

Tim LaHaye, the best-selling author of the “Left Behind” series of Bible prophecy novels, was one of many visiting the island of Maui who had to be evacuated to upper floors of the Marriott Hotel today.

He said being caught in the crossfire of the fourth largest earthquake in modern history helped prepare him for two prophecy conferences he was scheduled to address in Hawaii.

“The Bible tells us in Matthew 24 that one of the signs of the last days – one of the birth pangs to occur – is an increase in earthquake activity and intensity,” LaHaye told WND. “We’re seeing that happen here. It’s not just earthquakes, but hurricanes and all kinds of natural disasters.”

The article then quotes Matthew 24:4-14, in full, regarding it as teaching that earthquakes and calamity are strong evidence for just the sort of God they believe in. And then the article concludes with:

LaHaye told WND he and his wife, Beverly, who was traveling with him, were feeling safe now that the tsunami threat in Hawaii had subsided.

And down in the hollow space where the soul is supposed to be, this seems to be how the “Bible prophecy” heresies condition their adherents to respond to earthquakes, hurricanes and all kinds of natural disasters. Such things should not be viewed with horror and empathy and a generosity proportionate to our gratitude. They should just be seen as exciting — as gleeful reminders that every moment we are closer to the day when we will be proved right and others will be proved wrong.

“Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.”

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