Mitt Romney and ‘the politics of envy’

Mitt Romney and ‘the politics of envy’ January 12, 2012

Mitt Romney on NBC’s Today show:

You know, I think it’s about envy. I think it’s about class warfare. When you have a president encouraging the idea of dividing America based on the 99 percent versus one percent — and those people who have been most successful will be in the one percent — you have opened up a whole new wave of approach in this country which is entirely inconsistent with the concept of one nation under God.

So here, again, “The Politics of Envy

JB: Let the one who has two tunics share with the one who has none.

RWT: That’s what I’m talking about! That’s the politics of envy.

JB: I don’t see what envy has –

RWT: I’ve got two tunics and you’ve just got one and now you envy me!

JB: I used to have two tunics –

RWT: And you lost one and now you’re envious!

JB: No, actually I gave one to a man who had none.

RWT: Aha! Because he was envious!

JB: He wasn’t envious, he was shivering.

RWT: Shivering … with envy!

JB: He was shivering with cold.

RWT: But you weren’t cold.

JB: No, I was quite warm.

RWT: And this man shivering with the cold, don’t you think he wanted to be warm too?

JB: Yes, that’s why –

RWT: He wanted what you had. He was envious of your warmth!

JB: You keep using this word, but I’m not sure you know what it means.

RWT: You just can’t handle that I can prove you’re promoting the politics of envy.

JB: You think you can prove this?

RWT: Easily.

JB: Please, go ahead.

RWT: It’s the politics of envy. It’s the politics of envy. It’s the politics of envy.

JB: Um, that’s not proof. That’s just an assertion.

RWT: No, it’s not just an assertion — it’s a repetition. And that proves it.

JB: You think repeating a slogan over and over means you’ve proved it?

RWT: It’s not just me silly. There are thousands of us repeating this. And some of us are even repeating it on television. What more proof do you need?

JB: …

RWT: You’re speechless because you know I’m right.

JB: I’m just trying to understand why anyone would think that clothing the naked has anything to do with envy.

RWT: You said yourself that you can’t stand to see anyone with two tunics.

JB: Actually, what I said was I can’t stand to see anyone with no tunic.

RWT: Same difference. It all sounds like the politics of envy to me.

JB: I suppose to you it does, but that’s not how I think of it. I prefer my cousin’s term. He calls it “the kingdom of God.”

RWT: Who’s this cousin of yours?

JB: You don’t know him. You wouldn’t like him.

RWT: Why? Is he envious?

JB: Well, he can’t stand to see anyone left naked either. He takes it personally. He says that when you refuse to share with the person who has no tunic, it’s just like you’re refusing to share with him.

RWT: Envious bastard! He sounds dangerous.

JB: You have no idea. …

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