Timothy George courageously preaches to choir, milks applause

Timothy George courageously preaches to choir, milks applause January 20, 2012

Alan Bean of Friends of Justice has a fine rant on Manhattan Declaration co-author Timothy George’s recent attempt to pretend to himself and others that he’s in the vanguard of some courageous and righteous movement.

Bean asks: “Does it take courage to be pro-life and anti-gay in Baptist Alabama?

This is NOT Timothy George.

Timothy George stirred a bit of excitement in 2009, when, in collaboration with luminaries like Charles Colson, he published a Manhattan Declaration, subtitled as “a call of Christian conscience.” With a prison reformer like Colson on board, you might expect the declaration to touch, however briefly, on the shame of mass incarceration. But no, the only topics deemed worthy of discussion were (you guessed it) abortion, gay marriage, and the purported persecution of the American Church.

Now, professor George is claiming that the 500,000 signatories to his bold confession are akin to the German churchmen who signed the Barmen Declaration opposing Hitler in the darkest days of the Third Reich.

Pardon me if I wince in embarrassment. … This takes courage?

… What would happen if Timothy George decided, following a crisis of conscience, that he was in favor of gay rights?

You know what would happen. He would lose his job before nightfall.

What happens when Timothy George portrays “the homosexual agenda” as a threat to heterosexual agenda? A standing ovation.

I don’t think George has to worry about such a crisis of conscience. The silly man is pretending he’s Bonhoeffer and that everyone who disagrees with him must be you-know-who. People who delude themselves with that kind of self-congratulatory nonsense are shouting too loudly to hear whatever their conscience might be screaming.

See earlier:

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