Richard Land still represents Southern Baptists on ‘ethics’

Richard Land still represents Southern Baptists on ‘ethics’ April 6, 2012

Q: Does spouting racist nonsense on your radio show disqualify you to be the chief “ethics” spokesman for the Southern Baptist Convention?

A: Apparently not.

At Nashville Scene, Betsy Phillips asks “Is Richard Land on Some Kind of Mission to Turn People Away From the Baptist Church?“:

The only people who use the term “racialist” are racists. If you’re reading material talking about “racialist” stuff, hanging out with people talking about “racialist” things, you should know that’s just a made-up word racists use because they think it sounds scholarly. If you don’t want to be perceived as a racist trying to pass off your crackpot bullshit as scholarly, don’t use the word “racialist.” Also, if you’re trying to convince black people that you’re done being a racist organization, you probably should discourage your leaders from going on their radio shows and insinuating that black people are too stupid to get upset about things unless Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton tell them to be.

The Southern Baptist Convention needs to fire Richard Land.

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