‘Children of the Rainbow’

‘Children of the Rainbow’ April 30, 2012


“Together we will live / every sister and every brother

“Imagine you find out later in life your daughter or son or niece or nephew or grandchild is gay and they remember, or are told, that you either voted for Amendment One or remained silent and did not protest the Amendment.”

“The clincher for me is the lack of love and dual spirit of pride and condemnation that I hear in religious appeals to vote for Amendment One; this just doesn’t represent my understanding of how we Christians are supposed to treat our neighbors, and I will not be a part of it.”

“He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.”

“We stare at the clear words of Jesus that challenge our well-established social patterns and community dynamics, and we flinch.”

“So, let’s take a look at some of the rules in the Bob Jones University Student Handbook …”

“I was talking to my husband about why I am loving crossfit and it made me realize that they are some of the reasons I love church.”

“How are we as a community to respond when the millstone of clergy sexual abuse is placed on the neck of a child?

These glaciers are melting fast.”

They have no problem lying to women—telling them that abortion causes breast cancer and depression, that it will ruin their fertility.”

“Rallying behind him are adherents of the antigovernment ‘Patriot’ movement, many of whom fear that shadowy forces are gathering to take away power from the people and concentrate it in the hands of a ‘New World Order.'”

“The president is ‘discovering the one benefit of a Republican Congress dominated by true believers,’ by ‘making the crazy work for him.'”

“If we were simply to rehire those fired schoolteachers, go back to the kind of employment that we should’ve had on a normal track at the state and local level, right there, we could add well over a million jobs.”

“I’ve known rich people, and why not, since I’m one of them? The majority would rather douse their dicks with lighter fluid, strike a match, and dance around singing ‘Disco Inferno’ than pay one more cent in taxes to Uncle Sugar.”

Heatmap of earthquake, tornado and hurricane hazard areas (U.S.). (via)

This is a cool list.

I would buy one of these.

E.O. Wilson cites Billy Sunday — as a role model.

John Shore’s petition for Christians affirming “that same-sex relationships are not inherently immoral” is nearing 1,500 signatures.

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