Scenes from the class war

Scenes from the class war August 13, 2012

What my dad didn’t tell us was that those rich people who lived in those nice houses were the real hard workers in the world (unlike himself and his brothers) and if we worked as hard as those wealthy folks we could be just like them and live in a nice house, and not a $35 a month apartment, and we could drive a big car that we actually owned and maybe even someday have a color TV.”

“Hacks like Sumner served the plutocrat class of the first Gilded Age; hacks like Caplan serve the plutocrats of the second Gilded Age.”

“Mitt Romney’s tax plan would be a boon for the wealthy, but a tax hike for 95 percent of Americans, according to a new nonpartisan study.”

To Mitt, we’re all Palestinians.”

“That is so different from what my book actually says that I have to doubt whether Mr. Romney read it.”

“If you go into this running river of sludge deeply enough, it no longer matters whether you are a racist or not, as long as you’re so obviously promiscuous about performing as one on the public stage.”

“The Simpson/Bowles deficit reduction plan is ‘really a guide to cutting services and benefits for the working and middle class while protecting the interests of the wealthy.'”

Do Simpson-Bowles fans know what’s in it?

The health-care law, she says, has brought her business some relief.”

“Conservatives have lately taken to mounting the bizarre argument that giving health care to low-income poor people doesn’t improve health outcomes.”

That is a day that will live in infamy, along with those other dates.”

“On the question of extending the wind production tax credit — an important issue for Iowans because of the roughly 7,000 jobs tied to the state’s wind-energy industry — the two candidates have made their positions perfectly (and diametrically) clear: Obama supports it and Romney does not.”

“The voter ID push, along with intimidation of voter registration groups and purges of voter rolls have only one goal: blocking legitimate but probably Democratic voters from exercising their constitutional rights.”

It’s the closest you get in democratic politics to mortal sin.”

The previously noncontroversial idea that local governments, particularly in metropolitan areas crossing many jurisdictional lines, needed to get together to ensure that their infrastructure investments, development policies, and demographic expectations were roughly on the same page, is now being regularly described as an assault on private property rights, and yea, even on golf.”

“If you accused climate scientists of conspiring to ‘intentionally mislead the public on the issue of climate change,’ but are yourself a Koch brother-backed conspirator for the 1 percent, you might be Paul Ryan.”

“Republicans are willing to just flat-out lie about what he said. It’s impossible to self-edit your remarks enough to avoid it.”

If Lewis Carroll wrote a script for a presidential candidate, it’d look an awful lot like Mitt Romney’s.”

Chronicling Mitt’s Mendacity, Vol. XXVII

Chronicling Mitt’s Mendacity, Vol. XXVIII

Chronicling Mitt’s Mendacity, Vol. XXIX

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