‘Brother Al, you confuse evangelicalism with white, male America’

‘Brother Al, you confuse evangelicalism with white, male America’ November 20, 2012

Miguel De La Torre’s aggressively honest response to Southern Baptist Archbishop Al Mohler’s commentary following the election is pretty devastating.

Writing for Associated Baptist Press, De La Torre offers a point-by-point reply to Mohler’s assertion that Election Day was “an evangelical disaster.” That claim, De La Torre says, is based on the assumption that “evangelicals” are all old Southern white guys who share Mohler’s stunted, old-Southern-white-guy vision of ethics, justice and politics.

Read the whole thing. Here are some highlights:

Brother Al, you confuse evangelicalism with white, male America. Continuing to fuse white/right political leaning with the message of Christ does a disservice to the gospel.

Southern Baptist leader Al Mohler is smiling in this photo because it was taken before he learned of Miguel De La Torre’s reply to his remarks.

A majority of Christ-believing Hispanics, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, women and the young — a good number who are evangelicals — saw this election as a blessing from God. Most of us feared Romney, because he was very open about his allegiance to the Golden Calf of Wall Street and capital. We were shocked by your support for those who follow such false gods.

… The message of Christ was not rejected, just your interpretation of the message of Christ — a subjective interpretation based more on your social location than what the gospel calls for.

… You can’t say you believe in the sanctity of life and oppose universal health care. You can’t say you believe in the sanctity of life and support war or torture. You can’t say you believe in the sanctity of life and remain silent as the undocumented die crossing the desert.

You can’t say you believe in the sanctity of life and support a tax structure or an economic system that contributes to an increasing gap between the rich and the poor. You can’t say you believe in the sanctity of life and support capital punishment. I invite you to come join us who believe in and follow the God of life.

Phew. And, also too, amen.

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