45 years ago: Computers are a fad

45 years ago: Computers are a fad April 1, 2013

April 1, 1968, on this blog: Computers are a fad

Just attended this presentation, in which Douglas Englebart
of the Stanford Research Institute  argues that mechanized
thinking machines will "augment the human intellect."

"If in your office," Engelbart said, "you as an intellectual
worker were supplied with a computer display, backed up by a
computer that was alive for you all day and was instantly
responsive to every action you have, how much value could
you derive from that?  Well this basically characterizes what
we've been pursuing for many years in what we call the
Augmented Human Intellect Research Center ..."

So Engelbart envisions a computer on the desk of every
American worker.  I'm optimistic about the future -- this
is 1968, our Space Age future is already here -- but this
seems like a preposterous fantasy.  It's like imagining that
someday ordinary people will own telephones. ...

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