7 things @ 11 o’clock (8.20)

7 things @ 11 o’clock (8.20) August 20, 2013

1. At the Double Meat Palace: Two big metal display cases from a spring promotion that’s now over, right into the dumpster. That’s 20 or 30 pounds of scrap metal. Every meth-head in America knows how to turn scrap metal into money, but a Fortune 100 company that prides itself on thriftiness doesn’t. Hmmm.

2. This is as close as you’ll probably ever get to watching a dinosaur egg hatch. Scratch that — this is watching a dinosaur egg hatch. Watching the little thing gain its legs on the UStream makes me think Project Pterosaur might just be possible.

3. American exceptionalism. The land of the free.

4. TexasTexasTexasTexasTexasTexasTexasTexas. TexasTexas.

5. Speaking of Onan … here’s another one of those studies confirming stuff we already knew.

6.Was Benny Hinn’s Brother Restored to Ministry Too Soon After Affair?Christianity Today asks:

The Orlando Sentinel reports that Sam Hinn, who admitted to a four-year extramarital affair in January, is already back in ministry. The younger Hinn completed a restoration process and was “re-ordained” Sunday at Orlando-area Church on the Living Edge, just eight months after he resigned from his position at Gathering Place Worship Center in Sanford, Florida.

The bigger scandal here is that the article never questions whether Sam Hinn was restored to the ministry too soon after admitting to being the brother of “faith healer” Benny Hinn. Articles like this, which treat such flagrant swindlers as legitimate clergy, allow people like Hinn to erode the credibility of the entire church.

Contrast this with these earlier Christianity Today pieces on efforts to weed out fake clergy in Ghana and Kenya. That somebody like Benny Hinn is permitted to claim uncontested legitimacy in the American church almost makes me wonder if we need something like that here.

7. Today is the birthday of H.P. Lovecraft, whose horror stories are almost as creepy and malevolent as his pervasive racism. Related: “Is it OK to shun Orson Scott Card now?

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