I’m disappointed. I realize it’s only January of 2015 and next year’s presidential election still seems a long way off. But still.
The field of candidates, potential candidates, and people who are muttering about becoming candidates for the Republican nomination in 2016 now includes:
- Jeb Bush
- Mitt Romney
- Chris Christie
- Rick Santorum
- Rick Perry
- Ted Cruz
- Marco Rubio
- Rand Paul
- Mike Huckabee
- Sarah Palin
- Newt Gingrich
- Snarf
- Ben Carson
- Mike Pence
- George Pataki
- Scott Walker
- Carly Fiorina
So where’s our 2016 GOP Primary/”Too Many Cooks” mashup?
I assume someone out there on the Intertubes is working on this. I hope they have it ready for us soon.