Wake the kids, phone the neighbors … The Anti-Christ Handbook, Volume 2 is now available for your Kindle, smartphone, and awkward desktop e-reader perusal. Just $3.99 at your local (not actually local) Amazon.com.
It’s pretty good.
From the book description written by our marketing department:
What happens when you combine Very Bad Writing, biblical illiteracy, John Birch Society paranoia, fragile masculinity, bizarre pseudo-theology, an obsession with telephones, and a sociopathic disregard for other people? You get a publishing phenomenon and one of the best-selling book series of all time.
The Left Behind series has sold tens of millions of copies — deforming faith, church and politics for millions of Americans. Fred Clark plows through the first book in that series — page by hilariously horrible page — unpacking its universe of awfulness. This torturous journey offers a window into the world view of a right-wing religious subculture that shapes American politics and society. It also provides a master-class in How Not To Write.
If you care about stories, or storytelling, or theology, or the Bible, or Jesus, or other people, then you’ll enjoy this examination of how the Left Behind series — the World’s Worst Books — are an affront to all of those things.
David Dark says, “The slacktivist’s thoroughgoing, critically engaging response to the biblical, exegetical and literary malpractice of the Left Behind series is a tour de force that makes the blogosphere feel like a sign of the coming kingdom. One midrash leads to another in his ever-redeeming tangents.”
Daniel Radosh, a writer for Spy magazine and The Daily Show, says, “Blogger Fred Clark has written one of the most effective (and hilarious) critiques of Left Behind. … The level of detail gives Clark space to build a devastating case.”
You can still read all of this without spending $3.99 (or giving a cut of that to Jeff Bezos) at the convenient Left Behind Index here. But the ad-free ebook format gives another, perhaps even more convenient, option.