OK, Rainn Wilson, it’s on

OK, Rainn Wilson, it’s on November 12, 2015

The current No. 1 spot on Amazon’s best-seller list for “Religious Humor” belongs to the hardcover edition of Rainn Wilson’s The Bassoon King: My Life in Art, Faith, and Idiocy.

Wilson also owns the No. 2 spot on that list for the Audible Audio edition of his celebrity memoir. And the No. 3 spot belongs to the Kindle edition of the same book.

BassoonSo right now, Rainn Wilson stands on all three platforms, wearing the gold, silver and bronze medals for religious humor book-selling, with Amazon playing the Rainn Wilson anthem three times. Probably on the bassoon.

“Come at the king, you best not miss,” Omar Little warned. But still, I want this, and the Bassoon King is all that stands right now between The Anti-Christ Handbook: Vol. 2 and that top spot.

Sure, Rainn Wilson is a funny guy. And his book (in all its fancy schmancy multiple editions) includes a “Foreword by Dwight Schrute,” the character Wilson hilariously portrayed on the hit TV series The Office from 2005-2013. (You know, on the broadcast network NBC, back in the days when broadcast networks still had a chance to win Emmys.) I’m sure it’s a fine book. Very amusing and deserving of all the five-star reviews its garnered there on Amazon.

But still, this is America. We don’t need kings. “When in the Course of human events …” and all that. We shouldn’t be allowing some would be double-reed monarch to assume a triple-throne atop our online religious humor best-selling lists. That’s the same kind of royal sense of entitlement that led to the Stamp Act and the execution of Anne Boleyn.

Allow that sort of thing to go unchallenged and this woodwind pretender will soon be Quartering large bodies of troops among us, imposing Taxes on us without our Consent, erecting a multitude of New Offices, sending hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and doing all manner of other Bad Things requiring Capital Letters.

This is the very thing that Thomas Jefferson warned us about.

Defend your freedom and your homeland before this menace compleats the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a list of online best-sellers in the sub-sub-category of religious humor.

Declare your independence.

(Seriously, though, I really appreciate any word-of-mouth — or word-of-Facebook, tweet-of-Twitter, gram-of-Insta, etc. — that supporters of this Left Behind series can give to this ebook. Thanks.)


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