I did not get the job: A fundraising post

I did not get the job: A fundraising post January 12, 2016

I had a job interview on Thursday. It seemed to go well. It ended with their confirming my availability for training next month, and with a discussion of the final step in the hiring process — a typing and computer aptitude test I would need to take online with the link they would send me on Monday.

But then Monday’s email did not contain that link. It instead thanked me for applying and wished me the best of luck in my future endeavors.

It seemed like a good fit — like something I would enjoy doing and that I’d be good at. But I didn’t get the job.

And I really, really needed that job. The Big Box almost, but not quite, pays the bills,. That’s a small problem that compounds into a larger problem over time. This job would have meant that hole would stop getting deeper, and that we could even maybe begin to climb our way out of it. But, well, that’s not going to happen.

Plan C isn’t going to work, so I’ll be moving on to Plan D, just as soon as I can figure out what that is.

In the meantime, I’ll be running a January fundraiser here. Those who are able and inclined to do so can donate via PayPal at that friendly little yellow button there in the right-hand sidebar.

I’ll also soon be launching a Patreon page, for those who would like to support this site in that way.

Thanks in advance for all your help and support.


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