Postcards from the culture wars (3.21)

Postcards from the culture wars (3.21) March 21, 2016

I finally checked my privilege. It turns out my privilege is awesome.

The white race is dying out in America and Europe because we are afraid to be called racist.”

“He said that they discussed ‘all the things going wrong in the world’ and someone suggested making the Bible the state book.”

“Unfortunately, two terms of a president who has made the recognition of religious pluralism a priority seems to have had an opposite effect in much of the country.”

CAP“All I know is that I have only ever felt oppressed by the shouting voices of men telling me to be afraid — of myself, my God, and my government. And it is only their voices I fear.”

“Trump’s only real ideology is the Worship of the Donald, and he will do and say anything that appeals to the lowest common denominator of the American body politic in order to attract their support – the nation’s id, the near-feral segment that breathes and lives on fear and paranoia and hatred.”

“Take its enemies away, and evangelicalism loses its identity and reason for being.”

Butyric acid (used as a stink bomb) was poured under our doors & into ventilation system so many times I lost count.”

“All too often we are held to interpretations of Christianity purported to be universal, neutral and above all, correct, that emerge from the white culture of those who produced them and are willfully blind to the whiteness that permeates their Christian constructs.”

“He stands up to the idea — he’s not for anchor babies.”

“Bland makes no mention of the fact that this area of the country started to ‘slough off’ the Democratic Party right after President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act and Republicans initiated their Southern Strategy.”

“There was a time when fear was sort of associated with cowardice, and to entertain it was not considered a handsome behavior. That barrier is gone.”

Only white people could bitch about the UN.”

“Thou hast committed fornication. But that was in another country and besides, the wench is dead.”


The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion


Frustrated Gunman Can’t Believe How Far He Has to Drive to Find Nearest Planned Parenthood Clinic

“Cruz’s claim that Republicans have never attempted to roll back access to reproductive health care and contraception is undermined by the candidate’s own efforts to do just that.”

What is it about us that makes people so mad?

When you have prosecutors who are looking at emails entitled ‘Hot ghetto mess,’ how do we reconcile with that as an African- American?”

“Ted Cruz has continued to reach out to extremists that even other Republicans wouldn’t dare touch, today appointing Frank Gaffney, an activist so bizarre that even the American Conservative Union issued a blistering report criticizing him for making outlandish claims, to his campaign’s foreign policy advisory board.”

“Anyone who read the newspapers last year knows that 2015 saw some horrific political violence. … But not many understand just how bad it really was.”

I’m like Donald Trump — I love women.”


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