Postcards from the class & culture wars (6.18.19)

Postcards from the class & culture wars (6.18.19) June 18, 2019

Because there really are no not-bad options.”

“But these burnings, they do tend to send a different message, whether it’s a burning or someone walking in with a gun. That message is, blackness isn’t safe, anywhere.”

The Foxconn deal is on its way to being a lemon of historic proportion.”

“Detaining immigrant children has morphed into a surging industry in the U.S. that now reaps $1 billion annually.”

“They told me they’ve been incarcerated outside for a month, that they haven’t washed or been able to change the clothes they were detained in the entire time, and that they’re being poorly fed and treated in general.”

President Trump is the most successful, prominent promoter of anti-Semitism in American history.”

How long must we keep a straight face?

Wikimedia photo by Bobak Ha’Eri

“The important thing is that rich Republican men will always be able to abuse and assault women and also pay for their mistresses’ abortions, even as we take the decision away from women who shouldn’t be trusted to decide for themselves.”

“Houses of worship around the world, a place of reflection and peace, have been targeted for attack by extremists. Here are some of the deadly assaults over the last decade.”

CEO Wayne LaPierre had expensed $39,000 in clothing in a single day, $13,800 for rent for a summer intern, and $200,000 in plane tickets, in part related to a two-week trip to the Bahamas.”

“The members who pay their dues should be damn concerned, too.”

The average American now dies in debt. How much debt? $62K, to be precise.”

“To some, it would seem only natural that historians present, well, history.”

“She says no scientific evidence will convince her otherwise.”

We are just not having enough babies.”

“This response is the standard epistemology of the conservative movement.”

“If Christians were intent on starving the Satanic Temple of members, they could simply work out a more caring, pluralistic version of Christianity.”

Since his confirmation, 83 ethics complaints against him have gone without investigation because we don’t have a way to assess the conduct of Supreme Court justices.”

“The 64-year-old Kilpatrick was arrested last year after authorities said he traveled to meet someone he believed was a 13-year-old girl.”

“There’s nothing funny about sexual assault, or about false allegations of sexual assault. But it’s hard to miss the comical irony in the ferocity with which the same people who believe fake sexual assault allegations are common are in fact proving the opposite.”

These objections were raised in Maine, which contributed the largest number of Union soldiers in proportion to its population of any state.”

“From the wording of Callahan’s letter, it was unclear if the bear or the bear’s handler was named Ron; I fervently hoped it was the bear’s name.”

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