Feb. 25 Flashback: Mob rule

Feb. 25 Flashback: Mob rule February 25, 2022

When this blog started, newspapers were still writing, “so-called Web logs, or ‘blogs’ …”

From February 25, 2012, “Expelling the Quakers from Plymouth“:

Implicit in this is a notion of democracy that we’ve encountered again and again among American evangelical Christians attempting to engage in politics. It is the idea that democracy means everything is subject to the will of the majority — including the rights of minorities, which therefore aren’t rights at all, merely privileges permitted or withheld by the sentiment of the majority. It is, bluntly, the idea that democracy is just a fancy word for mob rule.

We see this in things like the absurd annual ritual of the so-called “war on Christmas” and in a thousand similar obsessive resentments of imagined offenses. We see it in the ugliness of the anti-mosque movement. We see this in the fear that equality under the law for GLBT people will somehow constitute an infringement of the religious liberty of those who regard homosexuality as a sin (this despite the hard-to-miss fact that Fred Phelps remains free to say whatever vile things he wishes, whenever and wherever he wishes). We see it in the aggressive sectarian impulse to piss on trees and mark territory by erecting officially sanctioned sectarian holiday displays or Ten Commandments plaques or official prayers and other ostentations of sectarian allegiance.

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