Pews and barstools

Pews and barstools April 4, 2006

Christianity Today asks "O Brothers, Where Art Thou?" — wondering why there are so many more single women than there are single men in American churches.

First, reaction: Articles like this one — as well as the readers' responses — probably help to explain the phenomenon. There's something off-puttingly aggressive and frightening about it — like when you find out that your date has a subscription to Modern Bride.

Second, only semi-serious, reaction: Isn't this a self-correcting problem? If churches really are flooded with single women, won't the single men figure this out eventually and come around? Heck, churches should be advertising about this.

Third, slightly more serious, reaction: Then again, if the self-correcting theory were true, one would expect women to be migrating to Alaska, which continues to have a disproportionately male population (male-female ratio of 107.0). That's not happening. It's not happening, in part, because it's Alaska — it's really cold and really far away. It may be that all these missing single men perceive something equivalently cold and distant about our churches.

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