July 6, 2010

It's way too hot out for sustained thoughts, so here are a handful of unsustained ones … Russell Moore is dean of the School of Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. For now, he is, anyway. Southern's president, Al Mohler, has a history of purging professors who stray from his conservative party line — particularly when their supposed trespasses are theologically sound and therefore immune to suppression under the pretense of defending doctrine. I doubt Mohler would... Read more

July 6, 2010

Tribulation Force, pp. 248-251 Even with mind-control and other supernatural powers, setting up a one-world government would seem to be an enormous logistical challenge. It would require, among many other things, a massive bureaucracy in every nation, province, city and town. Granted, in some countries where an authoritarian regime has already been in place, the pre-existing bureaucracy might serve this role with only relatively minor adjustments. In places like Burma or some provinces of China, it might be possible to... Read more

July 3, 2010

James Wolcott reads Ruy Teixeira on the demographics of American evangelicalism, noting this point in particular as it applies to the future electoral prospects of Sarah Palin: White evangelical Protestants overall are roughly stable as a proportion of the population. Set aside electoral politics. I'm more interested in what this fact says about white evangelical Protestants. Teixeira's statement is backed up by decades of research from Gallup, Barna, Christian Smith, Green/Guth/Kellstedt, etc. White evangelical Protestants have been stable as a... Read more

July 2, 2010

Student loan giant Sallie Mae has announced it's moving its headquarters to Delaware. This is very good news for all those Delawareans who, ever since they were kids, dreamed of one day working in collections. Sometimes dreams do come true. I can't begrudge anyone any job these days, so I suppose an expected 1,500 jobs over the next five years is good news for the area — even if those jobs don't appear sustainable or fulfilling or otherwise socially beneficial.... Read more

July 2, 2010

All those in favor take a big step … "Chained to the Wall," R.E.M."Champagne Supernova," Oasis"Change," Lightning Seeds"Change," Tears for Fears"Change in Speak," De La Soul"A Change Is Gonna Come," Ben Sollee"A Change Is Gonna Come," James Taylor"A Change Is Gonna Come," Sam Cooke"Change the World," Nellie McKay"Change Your Mind," The Killers"Changed the Locks," Lucinda Williams"Changed the Locks," Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers"Changeless," Terry Taylor"Changes," David Bowie"Changing All Those Changes," Buddy Holly For those new to the game: This is... Read more

June 30, 2010

DEAR ECONOMIST: Due to a recent series of events, my wife and I have been granted access to a long-term line of credit, allowing us to borrow $500,000 at 2.97 percent. I'd like your advice about how best to invest this money. We plan, first of all, to pay off our mortgage — a 30-year loan on which we're now paying 5 percent. After that we plan to pay off the auto loans on both of our cars. Our home,... Read more

June 30, 2010

Czeslaw Milosz would have turned 99 years old today. Song on the End of the World On the day the world ends A bee circles a clover, A Fisherman mends a glimmering net. Happy porpoises jump in the sea, By the rainspout young sparrows are playing And the snake is gold-skinned as it should always be. On the day the world ends Women walk through fields under their umbrellas A drunkard grows sleepy at the edge of a lawn, Vegetable... Read more

June 29, 2010

Tribulation Force, pp. 243-250 So, the flowers. Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins have given us a global epic with a smaller cast than that of Gilligan's Island, so the list of suspects for this anonymous bouquet is pretty short. If it wasn't Buck, Rayford or Bruce who sent them, then it had to be Nicolae or Hattie — or Nicolae and Hattie. Rayford has already figured that much out: Rayford was beginning to wonder whether Hattie Durham had had anything... Read more

June 28, 2010

In a couple of recent posts (here and here), Brad DeLong responds to the accusation that he and Paul Krugman are oversimplifying the current debate between austerity and growth. Let's be clear: this accusation comes from those trying to defend the claim that 9.7-percent unemployment is acceptable. Worse than that, it comes from those arguing that 9.7-percent unemployment may not be high enough. Which is a difficult thing to argue while still being a decent person. To quote one of... Read more

June 25, 2010

Suzy Khimm of Mother Jones reads a new study by British economist James Rockey and finds his some of his conclusions "perplexing." Rockey writes: It would seem that the better educated, if anything, are less accurate in how they perceive their ideology. Higher levels of education are associated with being less likely to believe oneself to be right-wing, whilst simultaneously associated with being in favour of increased inequality. This result contrasts with those for income: higher levels of income are... Read more

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